Can we talk perming?


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Nov 2, 2011
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I'm doing an apprenticeship and will be learning to perm in about a week and a half.
Can I please rack your guys brains about it? I want to look good in front of my boss and also dont want to pick up any bad habits (here in Greece all perms seem to seriously fry clients hair).
I'm willing to hear anything!
Thanks geeks.
It's easier then you think. If your still training your tutor or boss won't expect you to be perfect. Here's some tips:

Wash hair with deep cleansing shampoo
Take small, thin, neat sections.
Keep your tension
make sure ends of hair are covered by end papers and wrapped neatly around rod
make sure hair is wet before applying perm lotion (spray with water again after all perm rods are in)
use correct lotion
check for S curl before rinsing
rinse lotion off for a good 5 mins
blot hair dry (really try to remove all excess water)
Follow instructions for neutralizer
use a light conditioner
DO NOT BRUSH/COMB HAIR TOO MUCH you'll pull some of the curl out.

Good luck

Tell client not to wash hair for at least 48 hours after perm
I did a perm the other day, last one i did was in 2008! I actually like winding the rods, I always keep my tension by angling the rods from left to right as i'm winding - I find they go in nice and uniform and stay put. As said above take small, neat sections and make sure the ends are tucked around the roller to prevent 'fish hooks' and as always, follow the manufacturers instructions, good luck! x
That's how I got taught moving the roads left to right keeping the tension. :) great tip!
If its frying then the wrong lotion is being used. Remember there are lotions for resistant and coloured/normal hair. Where possible make sure it's a acid perm. If its for virgin hair then use the lotion for coloured hair as its a bit more gentle.
Follow the instructions to the letter. Check for an s shape by unwinding a little and pushing back, if the s is nice and defined, rinse rinse and keep rinsing. 5 - 10 mins should do it, then neutralise by making sure every rod has been saturated.
Finish off with a ph balanced conditioner and rinse.
Like said tell them not to wash or wet their hair for 48 hours, and dry on rollers around the same size as the rods under a medium heat.
Wow thank you guys so much. You've all been quite detailed. So helpful. Out of interest, which are easier to do: bigger or smaller curls? I'd imagine bigger...
How long is the hair and how tight a curl do they want?
Remember that small rollers the hair is going to build up more than short so the root area will have a looser curl compared to the ends, then there's the thought that when having a root perm there will be tight ends, loose mid length (which was the root before) then tight roots. So personally id say larger looser curls on long hair(think grace off will and grace) and tight curls for shorter hair has a more realistic maintenance. Think of the thickness also, is the hair super thing? If so then go for the largest rods available to hide the ugly Betty look x

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