HELP....Assignment torture!! Just can't get the words out!


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Amore Hair

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
East yorkshire
Hi Guys, still working on thi sasignemnet, infact i have completly started over because i just seem to keep going off the track in the totally wrong direction.

I want the finished result to be knowledgable and show that i do undertand what i am talking about but i seem to go from what im meant to be doing onto another aspect of why this particular factor is importnant!!

The assignment is to produce an information sheet ststaing why partiular factors are important prior to a cutting service.

I have scrapped the idea of doing a standard typed page after page assignment and decided i am going to get a large peice of card and produce a large spidergram cdentred on consulting for a cutting service and hopefully by doing this i will keep on the correct subject as opposed to diverting on why a hair type is importat for shampooing service!!

So iv pulle dout the bits i fet where correct from my original work but again i have got to the hair type and am struggling with how to right what i am thinking - Mind block completly!!

so far i have got :

[FONT=&quot]In most consultations the clients hair type will be identified quiet easily and can also help a stylist with the analysis of the hairs texture and density. [/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]There are many variations on hair Types but there are 3 main categories in which they are separated. Caucasian/European Hair, Asian/Oriental Hair and African Hair.[/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]As a stylist you are trying to identify the hairs Alpha Keratin Form. Straight, wavy or curly and to what extent the hairs natural form is.[/FONT]​

I now need to go into more detail as to what the effects the hairs alpha keratin shape will have on a cutting service. ie: Straight hair - effects cutting ? Wavy Hair effects cutting? Curly Hair effects Cutting - The different form of curl means adapting the cut ?

Sorry for such a long post guys but really hoping you can help me here???? Again ive looked through the internet andwhen i type in Hair types effect on cutting i dont seem to be getting any think or relevance?

On the plus side, started on my assessments last week, and have already got my self 1 merit and 5 distinctions :D im so happy with my little self!! feel like my hard work is paying off and my enthusiasm and passion is growing even more - not that i thought that possible!!

Thanks again for any help you can giv me, a very eager learner......
It sounds like you've been doing really well so far, so don't get disheartened with this one.

Have you got a decent textbook or two that you can dip into for your assignments, as well as using the internet?

Reading the relevant chapters should be able to help you to determine the main issues that need to be included such as critical influencing factors and hair growth patterns.

Here's what I'd do if I needed to plan an assignment. The research & planning take the most time but when you come to writing it up, it should flow really easily and will save you going off topic or adding unnecessary waffle.

A spider diagram is a great idea. This will provide a focus for your ideas.

1. Write down all the relevant main issues as sub headings. Leave plenty of space between them. Don't spend any time thinking about the detail at this stage.

2. When you're happy with this, take each heading and again just note the main issues/descriptive words you might want to include. Don't spend too long on any one point, if you feel a bit stuck. Move on. You will return to it later.

3. Once you've got everything mapped out onto a sheet of paper, begin to organise it into a rough layout just by numbering the headings and then numbering the points within each heading.

4. Using your notes above, draft your essay.

If possible, have a break between the stages (just a quick cuppa) and that way, you can keep adding things that you originally missed.

Also, when you've finished it, have another break and then re-read it through later, amending if necessary. This is usually when I spot odd grammar or spelling errors!

Finally, give yourself a pat on the back and a nice wee treat for a job well done.

Good luck. :hug:
BingleBongle, thanks so much for replying, what a fab idea to do it like that!!

I have gone back to the areas whre i was struggling and it all semms to have come toghether realy well.

Im going to present it more as an information sheet as required than an essay, i originally starteed as an essay and that is where i seemed to go off track so now i have my draft i can make it more informational than just words and give reasons.

Fingers crossed for the final piece!!

Thanksagain for te advice will deffo be remembering that one. !!

You're very welcome.

I suspect that just having a break from it all earlier probably made all the difference. :)

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