I can't live without...PN mag feature


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
Hola Geeklings...

Sorry! Yet again it's been a while since I posted, but I'm back to recruit your help for a new page I'm launching in Professional Nails.

I want to start a page called I can't live without... featuring one tech who lets the nails world know which products they simply can't do their job without, or which products they'd go a bit doolally about if a company was ever to stop making it.

I'm looking to feature one tech every month with their top five products. I'd need a pic of the tech, a very mini profile, including full name, name of business and how long you've been in nails, plus your top five products and a brief note on why you think each product is so fabby!

Hope you can all help here... would be great to get as many of you involved as possible.

All responses and a pic of yourself can be emailed to me at [email protected] or posted via snail mail to Professional Nails, 3rd Floor, Broadway House, 2-6 Fulham Broadway, London, SW6 1AA.

Cheers lovelies...

Look forward to hearing from you and btw... this is not an April fool!!!!!

Deputy Ed
Professional Nails

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