is salon experience important


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Gel Junkie
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all

I have recently just qualified as a nvq level 2 beauty therapist and have been 'doing nails' for 1 year.

My local spa ....Champney's (aka Springs Hydro) are advertising that they want newly qualified therapists for flexible part time work.

I have a nice sized room in my house that i use as my 'salon'... college qualification for beauty......., 15 years customer service/sales/accounts experience..... i feel i need some 'salon experence' to justify myself now on the beauty front.

What would u say fellow geekers? Do i need salon experience...or can i LEAP into this now.....all alone !!!!!!!!!!!!

amb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I can't really help you sorry!
But I would be interested in the replies you will recieve.
I trained on my own (1-2-1), and now I am working on my own (mobile).
I often think that salon experience would help improve my times and give myself someone to bounce ideas and questions off.
Looking forward to seeing more replies.
Hey Amb,

It all depends how confident you feel about it.

I have to admit ive learned so much working in a salon with other girls. It made me so confident at everything i offer and has made me probably 2-3 times faster then when i was at college.

Champneys is one of the top spa's, I'd go for it!! most people would kill for the experience youd get there.

You will be working with all the top products and they will most likely re-train you to 'their way' of doing things.

xx xx

Being as they are advertising for "part-time flexible newly qualified therapist" You could apply for the position and if succesful you could continue with your home salon and work at the local spa.

The aren't asking for years of experience and you do have 1 years experience in nails, and you have recently qualified in your beauty therapy.

I would say give it a go - nothing ventured nothing gained. You will get the experience of both worlds - salon experience and working from home.


Debbie xxx

MINKUS said:
Hi all

I have recently just qualified as a nvq level 2 beauty therapist and have been 'doing nails' for 1 year.

My local spa ....Champney's (aka Springs Hydro) are advertising that they want newly qualified therapists for flexible part time work.

I have a nice sized room in my house that i use as my 'salon'... college qualification for beauty......., 15 years customer service/sales/accounts experience..... i feel i need some 'salon experence' to justify myself now on the beauty front.

What would u say fellow geekers? Do i need salon experience...or can i LEAP into this now.....all alone !!!!!!!!!!!!

amb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amber hun GO FOR IT!!let us know how you get on :)

Jo xxx :hug:
My opinion (but I'm biased!) is that you need to decide where your 'heart' is. Is it 'nails' or is it 'beauty'?

To be good at what you do I believe you need to make that decision. I truly believe that beauty and nails do not mix well.

So many spas mix the two and it doesn't work. The qualities needed for true technician are not the same that can provide a great massage or fab facial.

It is a subject of epic proportions but this is my opinion in a few sentances.
I'd definitely go for it Amb. Seems as if its got your name on it, which is what you need right now!
As Kate said, you'll get loads of tips from the other girls whilst working in the salon.
Like you I've just finished training too and would like to work somewhere to see how things are done in the real beauty world etc etc. and am dying to get my hands on a job where they are asking for newly qualfied therapists.
Good luck!
mum said:
My opinion (but I'm biased!) is that you need to decide where your 'heart' is. Is it 'nails' or is it 'beauty'?

To be good at what you do I believe you need to make that decision. I truly believe that beauty and nails do not mix well.

So many spas mix the two and it doesn't work. The qualities needed for true technician are not the same that can provide a great massage or fab facial.

It is a subject of epic proportions but this is my opinion in a few sentances.

Come on then mum, elaborate for us. Id love to hear your views on this one. I know you wanna do a big long post!! lol.

I enjoy nails and beauty equally, and i actually think they go well together, for me anyway. especially seeing as i work with hairdressers and chiropodist aswell. The client can get the complete top to toe treatment in one place!!

I have almost 3 years nail experience working for a busy nail bar in a department store, and i now have a years beauty experience working for myself.

The fact is that beauty therapy is alot easier to pick up and wether you're good at it or not has alot to do with the type of personality you have, you need to be a soothing person, so the client can relax. Being a nail technician has alot more skill involved, as it IS a technical job. all those chemicals and structures and angles etc.

Doing nails and beauty is also fab if you like doing weddings. Because a. the client (and her party) can get everything done with you, Nails, Feet, Make-up, Waxing. and b. you make a packet out of it!! I made £400 on my last wedding over 1 1/2 days. I couldnt have done that if it hadnt been for the fact i did nails AND beauty. and the bride still comes to me now for infills and waxing.

MINKUS said:
My local spa ....Champney's (aka Springs Hydro) are advertising that they want newly qualified therapists for flexible part time work.

Hi Katelisa,

I think Amb was making a joke when she said her local spa is Champney's :wink2: :)

Working in a salon is a double edged sword so choose carefully. Just because you are working for a big name doesn't mean it will be a good place to work so be careful and go with your gut instinct on how you feel about it. I know someone who worked for a Toni & Guy salon, the pay was pants, the bitching was pants, their stock control was pants, the things he told me was a real eye opener. Plus once you have worked for yourself I think it woud be difficult to take orders from someone else and have to do everything "their way".

Also, will you be working unsupervised? IF so then you will not gain the knowledge of the other therapists, you will just learn to work in a salon environment and to a salon speed.

I agree with Katelisa that you can do nails and beauty and be good at both. But I think you have to master one before moving onto the other. Personally I won't perform any treatment that I don't enjoy doing and I am having to really push myself to believe that I enjoy touching peeps' feet! and as for French Manis, they're not even on my treatment menu!!! I love doing facials with a vengeance, but I couldn't do them all day as I need more stimulating interaction between me and the client, I'd fall asleep if I did facials all day!

If you work at Champneys then you will be pushed more towards the beauty, and there is a thread floating about at the mo from someone who did so much beauty that the nails were left behind and now she is struggling with her confidence in nails. Choose wisely Amber, apply for it, but remember you don't have to take it if you feel it's not right for you. Good luck babes.
River said:
Hi Katelisa,

I think Amb was making a joke when she said her local spa is Champney's :wink2: :)


There is a Champneys resort in leicster called Champneys springs.
Katelisa said:
There is a Champneys resort in leicster called Champneys springs.

there is too ! i didnt get the joke river !?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amb x
Ooops !

Sorry everyone, I thought Amb was joking by saying Champneys and then (aka Springs Hydro) in brakets !

I'm having a tough day and will now go into the corner and smack myself :smack:

Please ignore me !

in general salon experience will give you a chance to manage your time better.
there will b certain pressures put on you as far as time and procedure.
i would say the biggest decision is whether to remain self employed and independant, or to become employed. the pros and cons are pretty obvious, ie. payed sick & holiday vrs being beholden to doing it someone elses way.
there are good and bad in both situations.

as for whether nails and beauty go together for a tech...
i would have to say that the advantages of my doing both nails & beauty AND hair has meant that when i was in the salon full time, i was booked SO solid it was silly!
it also means that you get to move around about rather than just sitting doing nails or standing doing hair.
most of the people that ive met in the last 20 yrs have not felt like me.
they have graviated towards one or the other, mayb 2 out of 3.
i like variety in my life!
however, my work now is about 80% nails, and i have massive variety in what i do;
salon clients
session work
photo shoots
so, i can now happily spend more and more time doing nails as the variety comes from different locations and situations, not necessarily differents qualifications.
the only problem i have now, is that as my time in the salon is less & less, i have dropped all beauty treatments except waxing.
i still do about a dozen hair clients, but it has been time restraints not unsuitability that has changed the differing percentages.

go for it, you can always come back to the comfortable situation you are in now.
liza x
ooohhhh im sooooo jealous amber!!!!! go for it i wish id had a advert like this shouting out at me !!!! u r ssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky!!! youd better take it or i will come over and thump you!!!! (ha ha) nikkki xxx
nailsbynikki said:
youd better take it or i will come over and thump you!!!! (ha ha) nikkki xxx

iF IT'S ANY HELP, I too work from home. I also cover in quite a few salons in the area when other techs need a holiday and so on. I think salon exp is a good thing if you've had good training in the first place (which you sound like you've had) there are tips you can pick up and make use of. also not to mention using other products you may only have read about or heared of. It's also great fun when your in a place where you can have a laugh with people and the way I do it gives me a finger on the pulse without compromising my time. I am my own boss and charge my fee so,I get the best of both worlds

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