ITEC Theory exam!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Wicklow, Ireland
Hi guys,

Just wanted to post on here cos I'm nervey and relieved and anxious all at once. I had my ITEC Theory exam for Man & Ped this morning. There were a few tricky questions but overall I think I did ok. Finished my Case Studies so just waiting to get the Ok from my tutor tonight, and then I've got my practical on Wed 16th. Just hope she doesn't ask me to do a pedicure as the only model I could get has a contra indication on her toenails.

Anyway I'm back at work now and resisting the temptation to go over and over the paper in my head.

I have my class tonight so I'm sure all the girls will be talking about the paper anyways.

Hope everything goes well for you!!
good luck hun i am doing itec at the moment and will be dreading when it comes to exam time , take care love dee

Well done, first hurdle out of the way! After mine I couldn't resist looking stuff up on the questions I wasn't sure of, although, couldn't find answers to some!

I'd advise you double check with your tutor re the contra-indications - we were told NO WAY to have a client with a contra-indication, you can't demonstrate your practical skill if you can't carry out the treatment...
Is the contra-indication on both feet - if not, use the foot it isn't on - in the exam you only have to do one hand and one foot.

Let us know how you get on on the 16th.


I did itec and beauty therapy, what a hard theory exam 5 hours but hey i passed with a distinction in mani and pedi and an overall credit

Good luck you will do fine!!!!!!

Yes we only have to do 1 hand/foot so that isn't too bad.
My tutor said she will have the room set up for us, x amount of manicure stations and x amount of pedis. We can sit where we want so I will be dashing for the manicure. I'm going to get there early and cross my fingers everyone else doesn't have the same idea.

I know the qualification is for manicure AND pedicure but I really don't enjoy doing pedicures. It's not a "urrrgghh feet" thing. I just don't find it as relaxing as manicure. It's more physical and messey! But I will brush up on pedicure skills just in case the worst comes to the worst. Must check out my model again and see how bad her toes really are.

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