Just been for Job interview- what do u think?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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hi all, ive just been for an interview for a part-time job in a salon. It is for 18 hours a week, pay options are either:

£5.05 per hour plus 15% commision on every £ made. she did probable senario of making £40 per week extra (but this is not guaranteed)

(i asked if pay was negotiable, as i am already on £6.34 in my Doctors job)

So she said yes but the commison will be lower:
£6.66 per hour but only 5% commision = £14 per week extra (but not guaranteed)

i think the £6.66 is better its £87.93 per week more guaranteed.

Be sefl-employed in her salon, split everything 50/50, get no hol pay, maternity etc.....

She showed me her book and its chocka, BUT i would be on a 3 Month probation...which to me sounds risky?? What if i dont have a job after that??!!

please help!!:Scared:

what do u think??.....wot wud u do??
Would the working hours with her, fit in alongside your doctors job, so that for the 3 month trial you could do both. Knackering I know, but at least you wont be burning your bridges at the doctors, in case it does not work out.

Also have you thrashed out the finer points with her, like how quick does she expect you to do a full set, will you be working totally flat out all day, with sets back to back and no breaks. Who will pay for the stock. Does she use the same products and techniques that you already use, or will you be expected to swap to their ways and products.

alfie said:
hi all, ive just been for an interview for a part-time job in a salon. It is for 18 hours a week, pay options are either:

£5.05 per hour plus 15% commision on every £ made. she did probable senario of making £40 per week extra (but this is not guaranteed)

(i asked if pay was negotiable, as i am already on £6.34 in my Doctors job)

So she said yes but the commison will be lower:
£6.66 per hour but only 5% commision = £14 per week extra (but not guaranteed)

i think the £6.66 is better its £87.93 per week more guaranteed.

Be sefl-employed in her salon, split everything 50/50, get no hol pay, maternity etc.....

She showed me her book and its chocka, BUT i would be on a 3 Month probation...which to me sounds risky?? What if i dont have a job after that??!!

please help!!:Scared:

what do u think??.....wot wud u do??

Who buys all the equipment?? E.g desk, products??

Im self employed in a salon, i pay 30% commision on all services, and no commision on products or services on staff!!

Can u only work part time??
The 3 months probation will apply to ANY job you take, they just don't always tell you that!

All the options sound good to me but it depends in how much confidence you feel in yourself...if you think you're really good, can work at a good pace and build a regular clientele quickly, I would take the self-employed option....if you are a little unsure still and want some back-up, then take one of the payment options. Good Luck!
hi thank you,

she said she will be paying for all products etc. She showed me a picture of the new desks she is getting too.

i just have to supply an acrylic brush. and uniform will be provided after 3 months.
the times do do sets/infills is 1- 1/2 so i could do this.

it is using OPI and i currently use EZflow, so i would have to get used to a different product.

i think the experience of it would be beneficial and i LOVE doing nails, just dont want to make a bad descision.

is it usual that a salon would pay for all the products etc?
IfI was paying the salong 50%, I would certainly expect them to supply ALL the products. Good luck!
does everyone ususally make tea coffee in a salon , what about mopping floors etc, i dont want to be mopping floors really.

could anyone tell me what their full duties are please?

Maybe you're not a team player!!

I wouldn't think twice about taking my turn by mopping the floor at the end of the day if I was sharing the space with others ... and the cleanliness of the whole salon reflects on you too.

Sounds to me like you want all the guarantees and none of the responsibility. If this is the way you are thinking (and there is nothing wrong with you thinking this way) but it is better not to put yourself into a salon where you have to share and muck in with many different personalities.
Blimey when I worked in a salon I even cleaned the loos! You all just muck in, emptying bins, sweeping the floor, dusting and even more dusting, running round for others when you're not busy ... and I got paid £3.70 an hour at the age of 37 which was the minimum wage then. I just did it cos I loved it (well not the loo cleaning lol!).

Check the duties you have to perform so you know in advance what is expected of you. If you're not happy with them then maybe salon work is not for you, and you may be better being self employed.
yes , thank you Gigi, Cec and sassy for your brill advice.

I AM a team player, its just that i dont want to be taken advantage of thats all. I dont want them to think oh because she is the new girl we'll get her to do all the crap jobs!! Im not 16 in my first job!!

I have been there and done it and its fine, i used to mop up every night working in New Look .
AND i make cuppas for my boss and the doctor
If the others do it, then ofcourse i dont mind, its just that i have never worked in a saoln before and do NOT know what to expect:|

im scared as she may be the sort of girl that could easily just drop me in it and i would lose my job. weve all got bills to pay and i know that in the doctors they wudnt just sac me cos they didnt like me.

i just dont know what to do OR what to expect working in a salon
Salon life can be brill. You can be so busy you don't have time to blink, you get to the end of the day and realise that you've not eaten or drunk anything. Other days can be so quiet that mopping the floors is a blessed relief compared to the boredom.

A three month probationary period is a chance to prove yourself, and join in with the others. I think it is a rare thing for someone not to get through it okay, you'd have to be upsetting all the other staff and doing really poor work not to get through.

In life you have to take risks to get on. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. But I wouldn't want to live my life thinking what if!

Good luck with your decision hun. If it's any help, my first salon pay packet was less than I used to pay in tax, not that's a hell of a pay cut. But I never regret "giving up the day job"!
alfie said:
yes , thank you Gigi, Cec and sassy for your brill advice.

I AM a team player, its just that i dont want to be taken advantage of thats all. I dont want them to think oh because she is the new girl we'll get her to do all the crap jobs!! Im not 16 in my first job!!

I have been there and done it and its fine, i used to mop up every night working in New Look .
AND i make cuppas for my boss and the doctor
If the others do it, then ofcourse i dont mind, its just that i have never worked in a saoln before and do NOT know what to expect:|

I'm scared as she may be the sort of girl that could easily just drop me in it and i would lose my job. weve all got bills to pay and i know that in the doctors they wudnt just sac me cos they didnt like me.

i just dont know what to do OR what to expect working in a salon

Hiya..just go in there with an open mind...think positive and you'll be fine...go with the flow...if you see something that needs doing and you are not doing anything else then go for it...it will get noticed and as horrid as some cleaning jobs are it will make the day go quicker....try not to worry, just enjoy the jobs you do like and grin and bear the ones you don't. Best of luck babes...i am sure you will be great xxx:biggrin:
You know the other thing is...you're not working there yet...you don't have any ties or responsibilities about the salon....but once you commit yourself you will feel a pride in your place (I hope) and want it to look great all the time, yes??? So you and the rest of the team will work to make your environment clean, beautiful and a joy to work in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oooh i dont know she seemed quite bitchy and that was not a good impression. What would she be like once she was my boss?!

you know what its like when you get vibes..sometimes you should trust instincts. i know i would learn alot which is why i WOULD take it, but i have a lot to lose also. i dont know if ive got the guts to risk everything if it goes wrong and working with females as your boss has proved bad in my past. ive had to deal with jealousy before and it aint nice.

Ah! Now you never said you had doubts about her. If you have bad vibes, then she may do stuff with no bad intentions but you take it all the wrong way. This is such a "people" job, and clients can pick up on bad vibes in a salon so easily. If you are really not sure, then maybe this salon is not not the one for you. Only you can make the decision at the end of the day hun.

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