No shows just get to me!!!


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Very Proud Creative Geek
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Crawley, West Sussex
Hi All,

I've managed to calm down a little and thought I'd have a moan. As you all know I'm mobile, I went to my 18:00 client to find that she will only be home at 18:40 after speaking to her hubby. I am very very p****d off!!! This is the first time it has happened to me and my regular clients always comment on how efficient and professional I am and now some woman thinks she can insult me like this!!!! Yes she's a new one! I feel like letting her have it but I need to keep my cool and suffer quietly!!! I had another lady after her who I tried to squeeze in and she was busy with dinner, so I said I'd be a little later tonight and she asked if I could rather come to her tomorrow.

What do you guys do when people take the p*** out of you??? Sorry for the moan but I needed to get this off my chest, don't even know if I posted this in the right forum!!

It's a real pain isn't it. I had a lady I was meant to be doing at home on Monday at 7pm, then she changed to Tuesday and then Thursday. She eventually turned up at 8.25pm on Thursday and I told her it was too late and that I couldn't do her's not fair of people to assume that just because we are working in our own homes or going to their homes they can turn up when they want to and forget about the appointment that they have made. If they were coming to a salon, sure they'd be ontime or miss their appointment.

Having said that, we still get no shows and latecomers (although I haven't had anyone 1 1/2 hours late yet!) at the salon so it happens everywhere. I guess not everyone is as thoughtful as the next.
Nowadays I take it on the chin and accept it as part of any profession that has a booking sytem. But I used to get really angry and stamp my feet, but I'd never be rude to the client, wouldn't want to sink to their level. However, unless they had a really valid excuse then they had to find themselves another nail tech. I'm a single mum and can't afford to accommodate timewasters.
Some clients really do take the mick.I once turned up for a appointment at a clients and sat on her doorstep for 45 minutes...eventually i got the hint she wasn't in(lol!!!).Then she had the cheek to text me at 8pm to tell me she couldn't make her 2pm don't say i!!she asked me to call her after christmas....i never did.Now i haven't got loads of clients and could do with some new ones but not only did she waste my time but money too...i turned down 3 other people who would of had that appointment(it was christmas).

What i'm trying to say Rose is that these are what you call RUDE clients.I don't blame you for having the hump.They tend to think us mobiles are a 24 hour call out service.One even texted me at 11.45 at come on..i do have a life too_One rang me when i was half way down my road,on the way there,to say she couldn't wait and had been to the nss...and i had just sent my little girl off with her childminder!!.....sorry i'm moaning now too.
Sassy...i'm a single mum too and this is exactly why i don't tolerate time wasters...because it costs me in child care.Its not easy.especially when you have the child from hell screaming in your ear!!!
louisenewell said:
Sassy...i'm a single mum too and this is exactly why i don't tolerate time wasters...because it costs me in child care.Its not easy.especially when you have the child from hell screaming in your ear!!!

Louise my child from hell now grunts in my ear and plays Kelly Clarkson non stop at decibels that make your teeth clatter! Love ya Mini Sassy!
Thanks for your replies all, made me feel alot better.

Louise, I cannot believe how your clients have treated you, OMG, you must have been livid!!! I take my hat off to you for picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and trying again! Good on you!!!

I have just come from my client now and I rocked up there asking her what the hell happened and she said, "I thought you said seven", I reminded her that I did give her an appointment card and she checked her diary, both said 7, she felt like a tit and I rubbed it in that I won't charge her this time and I also rubbed it in that I had to rearrange an appointment because of the mix up, she felt really bad BUT was as happy as a pig in s**t when I was done! So she booked me in for another 5 follow up appointments and promised she would be more careful next time.

Some people!!!


I asume your child from hell is a teenager,Girl or boy?please tell me it gets better.My little girl is 4 and omg i can't cope.Shes up at four every morning!

Rose,at least she was really happy with her end result.I've been mobile since may 2004 and i can tell you some stories!!!
hehe, sassys daughter is on this site!!! nail tech in the making. and with such a fab mom im sure she will go far!! ;)
ha ha beaver barber!!! only amber could have come up with that one lmfao!!!!!!
Rose143 said:
she felt really bad BUT was as happy as a pig in s**t when I was done! So she booked me in for another 5 follow up appointments and promised she would be more careful next time.

I don't think she's likely to mess you around any more babe :hug:

Louise it sure does get easier. Natalie is 16 (Mini Sassy on the site) and my eldest Elizabeth is 20 next month!! Only trouble is everything's in reverse, ie they're up at 4 cos they are just GOING to bed! Once they go to school they get much more independent, and once they hit secondary, you never see them ... except when your purse is open!!
Rose143 said:
Thanks for your replies all, made me feel alot better.

Louise, I cannot believe how your clients have treated you, OMG, you must have been livid!!! I take my hat off to you for picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and trying again! Good on you!!!

I have just come from my client now and I rocked up there asking her what the hell happened and she said, "I thought you said seven", I reminded her that I did give her an appointment card and she checked her diary, both said 7, she felt like a tit and I rubbed it in that I won't charge her this time and I also rubbed it in that I had to rearrange an appointment because of the mix up, she felt really bad BUT was as happy as a pig in s**t when I was done! So she booked me in for another 5 follow up appointments and promised she would be more careful next time.

Some people!!!


Result Rose she will never be "confused" again!!!...............I was caught out ONCE at Christmas with no shows and then started to take Deposits for Christmas/December appointments for full sets....Clients loved this idea as they were making there appointments in October min £15 deposit meant they had more money at Christmas to spend at the office do!! Everyone was a winner!!!
izzidoll said:
Result Rose she will never be "confused" again!!!...............I was caught out ONCE at Christmas with no shows and then started to take Deposits for Christmas/December appointments for full sets....Clients loved this idea as they were making there appointments in October min £15 deposit meant they had more money at Christmas to spend at the office do!! Everyone was a winner!!!
This is a great idea, I always take deposits when people call into the salon, just not phone bookings. Problem is, it's always the phone bookings that let you down!

As I was at the Leeds fest this weekend, I had to cancel an appointment that had been booked in by mistake. I had no other time available so told her I'd stay behind an extra hour after work to fit her in. The lady who was booked in before her didn't turn up & gave me no notice which would have allowed me to book the following appointment in an hour earlier & finish on time. Typical. :rolleyes: I also have a lady who has cancelled 5 times in the last few months, luckily she pays a deposit so she makes sure to let me know well in advance so she doesn't lose it! I've also had those 'oh I thought it was today/2pm/can't afford it this week, etc' clients. I now call clients if they miss an appointment. It makes them squirm :smack: & they don't normally do it again!

The only thing you can really do is have a deposit system & cancellations policy to avoid it happening again. Don't worry, we all get the odd no show despite our best efforts.

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