Platinum/ white help please!!


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Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
Sussex, UK
I need some help please Geeks!!

I don't post here much, I lurk more than I post!!

Right, my dilemma, I have a friend who has bleached the crapola out of her own hair in an attempt to get it platinum blonde, she's got it to the pale yellow/ inside of a banana stage, which isn't the right colour for her so she said she was going to bleach it again :grr:

Aaaanyway...... I said I would help her get it to the right colour with a toner, her hair is already in awful condition (chewing gum/ breakage :/) so her bleaching it wouldn't do it any favours, and I know it wouldn't do a lot anyway. What would you suggest toner wise to use? She's looking for a real white/ platinum blonde, nothing ashy.... I was thinking as the conditon is so awful something like fudge paintbox whiter shade of pale might be the best option rather than using something with peroxide? But then I face it not lasting long enough and she would just chuck bleach on it anyway... *sigh*

So... I'm after something that's not damaging, and pretty long lasting.... don;t want much do I??

I'm a student btw, have done my first year, and she is point blank refusing to go to a salon....

Thanks in advance for your help!!
Wella KP 10/16, yes its very ashy but its got ash and violet in it so the violet out get rid of the yellow, this would be quite long lasting depending on the porosity of her hair!
Loreal silver shampoo and fudge whiter shade of pale personally, if it's chewing gum like peroxide will kill it even though you are only toning it
The new Matrix So Silver shampoo is really good for toning.x
I agree with the MATRIX So Silver, i swear by it, use it dry for the first shampooo, then give it another shampoo with it as normal after, and leave on while she's in shower, works a treat.
As far as toners go, you cant really go wrong with an ash or violet, Matrix say if in doubt, use an A/V, but the peroxide could damage.
Directions do a some good semi's (similar to paintbox), its La Riche, hope this helps x
I have been a lurker for ages but had to answer:lol:
I get great results using Clynol Crystal with the lowest developer.
leave on up to 20mins, it comes up really lilac white, but washes within a shampoo or two to platinumn and stays really well.:)
I have been a lurker for ages but had to answer:lol:
I get great results using Clynol Crystal with the lowest developer.
leave on up to 20mins, it comes up really lilac white, but washes within a shampoo or two to platinumn and stays really well.:)

Crystal is a really good colour, but it doesnt really seem to last that long,
is there anything you vould do the make it last longer?

11/02 in LK is a really cool colour on pre lightened hair as a toner x

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