Who Works Self Employed?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Either in a salon or mobile....cos I wanna hear your stories....when/how you started etc. This is what /i'm intending to do eventually, so need inspiration from those who have made it work!


Left a very well paid office job in January 2004, did my Creative Foundation in March 2005, became a Creative Master Technician in February 2005.

I work from my home salon (former spare bedroom) and last week I turned a profit in this financial year for the first time since I started trading nearly 2 years ago :D

With training, my van, advertising, hotels, stock, furniture, insurance, etc., etc., etc., it's cost near on 10K to get where I am now

Some days it was hell, in fact, lots of days were hell, some days it was heaven, but everyday I smile when I realise I run my own business and it's starting to take off quite nicely thank you very much :wink2:

Blood, sweat, tears and frustation beyone belief in the first year. Little moments of clarity, big smiles of satisfaction and more hard work in the second year but loving every minute :lol:
Hi there

I started off doing nails on friends an family

then went to work in a salon

then i left there an went to run a local salon but wasnt the owner

then decided that was too much wasnt being paid enough

so i worked from home for 6 months , didnt like that felt like my home wasnt my own public where in an out.......

then decided to open my own salon when all the kids had started school
they was great i loved it an have no regrets in doing it
but i seperated from my parnter tried to keep it going a year after our split
but had loads of probs with staff etc i couldnt but the hours in because of the children, they didnt like after school club so my priorties came 1st an so i was forced to close the salon........

i do miss it but dont miss the bills i had to pay........

i had a break from nails for about 3 months an then went back into it

so now i do mobile an the odd few at home

realised that my love for nails will always be , an while doing a job i enjoy i get highly paid for it

so there you go

thats me xx
Hi hun,

I work for myself full time, I started in September last year part time and started having to turn away clients so in March this year, bought myself a car, got my drivers license and resigned from my office job! In may, my first week, did my website and set up a few free listings and worked in a salon for three evenings per week and kept my mobile business completely seperate, salon job was just in case I didn't cover my bills. My first month I covered all my costs and my business has just gone from strength to strength (with the help, love and devotion of all my fellow Geeks :) ) I did a waxing course which has proved very successful with my ladies, I am now taking on my first employee in November, a mobile hairdresser that has about 150 clients which I hope to turn into nail clients as well!

Short and sweet but very hard work!!!!! :)

started nails 2 years ago man&ped at collage then done nail technology again at collage if i had my time again i would train elsewhere.Any way trained in gel LCN expensive and bugger to get of so changed to backscrathers did a conversin with creative but still use B/S went to work in salon last year diddent work out so i am mobile do enjoy it but its hard getting regulars think im going to look for a diffrent job after xmas need some reliabe income.I can be very busy or have nothing any one else find this
I've done nails for years for friends and family during 'off time' as an office admin for an investment firm (although, when I was younger, I did work as a hairdresser/makeup artist in a salon).
I have ALWAYS loved nails and doing them.

In the last 4yrs I popped out 2 lil girls, the loves of my life (but there are days.... LOL)

Anyway, my hubby and I prefer things to be the old fashioned way with me at home w/my lil monkeys.
So, still needing a revenue, I decided to open a business from home.
Started 'officially' in april with actual advertising, and setting up a manicure table (instead of kitchen table lol) etc....
I have business cards now, website, etc.

Anyway, aside from the drawbacks working from home gives me (much harder to build a clientel without a business sign on business street, no walkins, etc), I still LOVE it. 'I" call the shots, pick my hours, decide my prices, decide which products, no rent, no sharing my earnings w/salon owner or whatever etc etc.
I wouldn't change it. In between clients, I can still be around my girls AND make sure that if I do have a sitter for them (at this point, I usually work 6-10pm at night when hubby is home to watch girls) on the rare occasion that I do take a day appointment, I can make sure the sitter is doing things MY way with my children.

I have the best of both worlds: career & stay at home mom.

Yes, it's hard.
building a clientel is terribly slow.... but the benefits far outweigh the negatives for me.

Although, I really really really wish my clientel would build up faster. That's the part that bums me out.... never busy enough :-(
Eventually, i want to add Thursdays and Fridays, 'day' hours to my schedule and offer a babysitting service to clients who bring a child with them (my sitter can make extra bucks for an hour or two & I get a client I might not get otherwise who never gets her nails done cause no sitter ;) )

Anyway, anyone with any ideas re: advertising other than flyers in the grocery store flyers that go out weekly?
I spent 14 years in the administrative field and was miserable. Always wanted to learn to do nails but I would either have the time and not the money or vice versa. Finally, last year, I had both!!!

I attended an accredited school for nail technology and graduated in June this year. Worked in a salon, far from home, and wasn't getting any exposure and driving in for one client a day was not cutting it. Plus, I wasn't making enough to cover my booth rent, much less my product expenses.

In August I hooked up with a terrific woman who has a nails only salon close my home. I rent a booth and she's giving me clients as well as mentoring me. It's a win win situation and I couldn't be happier.

I have my moments, when I'm feeling down and wondering if this was the right choice for me, but then I have moments where I'm so happy that I could make a clients day by giving them a beautiful full set. Those happy moments far outweight the down moments!
I worked in a salon full time for 12 years ended up taking over the business had that for five years then moved states and run my own business from home. I have to say I dont miss the stress and bills of a salon and so love working for myself
I'm self employed. Been a nail tech for 12 years. I worked for 2 salons and then realized it was time to go on my own and I've been in business for myself for almost 7 years now. I got tired of working really hard and having to give a % of what I made to my bosses.

I've had my salon in my home for almost 2 years now and I don't think I could ever go back to renting somewhere. Not having the overhead of rent is absolutely wonderful not to mention all of the tax write off's I get from having my businessw in my home. From water to cable to electricity to even the garbage bill...it's great.

Since I've been in my home my hours are more flexible. When you worek from home it doesn't bother you so much to work a little later than usual because YOU ARE IN YOUR HOUSE!
i am self employed and work from home which suits me as my kids are still young. i always worked in hairdressing salons until my son was 18 months(renting my own space) but due to his health i began from home 6 years ago as you can work your appointments around the kids. i really miss the atmosphere of a salon tho and even tho i do good work and act proffesionally i still dont feel as professional. the ability to make more money is greater tho. i would much rather be self employed than be employed in a salon that expects clients in and out within the hour
. i like to chat too much and like to take the time needed for their nails to be as perfect as possible and the freedom to splash out on products i like.
Have done various courses in beauty & nails over the last 2 years with Herts & Essex (not v. good) Essex school (awful), the Carlton Institute (excellent) and done NVQ in waxing & manicure. I have gradually been building a clientele in evenings and weekends while doing my daytime job in a high street bank. My dream was to give up my job and to earn a living from nails and beauty and pretty soon I will be able to do that. BUT if you are working - I strongly believe you should dip a toe inthe water first before you give up your job. Just my opinion for what its worth!


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