You wont believe what I saw!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Newark, Notts
I was being very nosey this morning and went into the new NSS on our high street to have a look. The girl sat down was having infills done on a set of L&P with some heavy lifting. I watched the guy (on the pretense of looking at airbrush designs) get a thin nail tip and slide it under the lift and pull!!!!! The girl cried out and then he did it again!!!!! While I was there he did not soak anything off for her but pulled it off.

No wonder people think that nail enhancements ruin your own nails etc....shocking:Scared:
omg - did you say anything?
disgusting...and what shocks me more are the wallys who just sit there and allow someone to do that to them....I would be up and out of there....and not because i am a nail technician and know that he shouldn't be doing that but because surely common sense tells you that having nails done should not be painful and ripping anything of your nails is going to hurt and cause damage.

whats up with people...?

hun haveing this done to my nails is what got me in to doing them myself, before i was educated i had my nails done at a nss when i asked for them to be removed they took a tip and prized all 10 from my fingers, taking 1/2 my natural nail from a couple of fingers aswell, i think the pain could only be described as AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
if i ever saw them doing it again i would have to say something about it:twisted:
I did not say anything as I kinda figured it was the victims job ,she may have told me to butt out though. I know a new client of mine went to this shop the week it opened and she said it was filthy....the send you out the back to wash your hands and she could not believe the mess of the toilets etc..
Oh how very awful. Its so unfair that these salons get away with such practises!
These poor clients are ignorant until educated (well some of them listen). I suppose they think of the end product. Lovely nails at the end of the 35 minute treatment!
ooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! This is where the public needs educating - they need to know that in this case it is not "no pain no gain" and that you can have a beautiful set of nails with no need for any pain. It may take longer but surely longer is better than painful??!!
Bloody Hell He Could Of Torn Her Nail Off The Loser!
Yep, I've heard that sorry tale many times from clients...who are now my clients :lol: not clients of the NSS.

I have a young client (18) who told me that the guy at the NSS who was doing her nails kept asking for her number and started touching her leg under the table and even asked her to go upstairs with him....very professional :!: ....she didn't know what to do so tx her b/f to come get her pronto!
I am absolutely shocked by these stories... I really never knew stuff like this happened. What gets done about it????
disgusting isnt it, and i bet she was charged for the pleasure of that experience. i hear round here we have a salon that prises them off with an old credit card.:twisted:
Someone esle I know got a fiver off her service because she was flirting with the guy who was doing her's wrong.

The local council have recently done H&S visits to ALL nail salons in Bristol, myself included but all the NSS are still they cannot confirm use of MMA and they have given them advice re sanitisation and training......the guy who came to see me had done his homework and his parting shot was that they would be holding some H&S forums for nail salons....that was the last I heard.

The only time an NSS was shut down in my town was after the Watchdog program and then it reopened after a couple of days under a new (but very similar) name.
There are more and more of these nss salons opening up in my home town and being nosey I decided to prep my nails and go and have some nail art put on...trying to be a bit covert :wink2: Anyway after I'd chosen my colours the nail tech showed me to a seat and pulled out the mankiest looking file Ive seen and attempted to attack my nails whilst I was jumping up out of the chair in protest! When I saw the shock on her face I asked her about sanitation to which she clearly had no idea, then promtly left the salon after attracting the attention of almost everyone in there!
How these salons are allowed to operate is beyond do they pass health and safety inspections or even hygiene for that matter???
I went in to one too for some airbrushing on some nails that Sparklepink had done on me, they had a good look at the nails and wanted to efile them, I was like no, just airbrush....they looked at me like I was mad!!
ADiva1 said:
Oh how very awful. Its so unfair that these salons get away with such practises!
These poor clients are ignorant until educated (well some of them listen). I suppose they think of the end product. Lovely nails at the end of the 35 minute treatment!

Yeh i used to go to one of these salons before i knew any better and i had all the same problems but at the time you think hey these look nice and there not paying as much as other places would charge so its a bargain. YEH RIGHT, thats untill you have to go back 2-3 times in between infills for lifting etc..... plus sore damaged nails and beds, these places should be shut down!! There should be somewhere that you can report them. I've posted a couple of threads about these salons and what happened to me, its so scary but like you say some people esp if there not up on this sort of thing eg nail enhancements, don't know any better.
omg! its people like that that ruin it for decent nail techs and that is why people think they ruin your bloody nails!!! x

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