Hi all, what a handy website to be part of! Was hoping there would be a site like this up and running. Basically I've just been granted a lease on a new unit just built here in Galway. I'm in the midst of sorting the inside decor out and am now at the scary stage of picking which skincare products im going to use. I will be getting a loan from the credit union for whichever line I choose so I want to choose wisely...I would be very grateful to hear from anyone that could advise me on what you use or your experinces with skincare products etc....I havn't applied for the loan yet so I'm not necessarily looking to go with any particular price range...its expensive but worth it then that fine by me..thats my attitude so all advice is very welcome please...let me know what the starting/opening orders are too if possible? Hope to get to know and make friends with a lot of you geeks in the future...thanks..Mags
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