Well-Known Member
hi girls need your advice again.last week i take me master certificat in acryl with nsi and at the end of this month i have me exam for master in gel,and olso doing acrylic design.i will have to go back to me country in a few months because me houseband have no more job here and i can"t support the famyli with me job,i"m thinking to open a salon home[in me country are really popular the nails and it"s so little place to do them] but i olso want to became an educator and a distribuitor for a company,i now in me country are just 2 good brands [nsi & creative] and i live exacly in the midlle of country and they are far for me town.i"m asking you guys what can i do to find a good company like youngh nails or akzent nails to became their distribuitor?i now for sure they don"t have an educator or a distribuitor.....