I would much appreciate your help, of all the treatments I offer nail painting is the one that I'm trying to improve as my painting never seems to be as smooth and shiny as other salons and I don't think it lasts as well, so 2 weeks ago I went for pedicure in another salon and they did a fantastic job on the painting - really glossy and is still in perfect condition - after doing the top coat I noticed the beautician put on another procuct... but don't know what it is!!!
It's in a bottle like the size and shape of a bulb, It was clear but maybe slightly yellowy and had brush like regular nail varnish brush - she seemed to dab on a bit then rub it in with the brush, I know I shoud have asked but didnt want to look thick....has anyone any idea what could this be?
Your help and any other tips you have would be so appreciated...I am determined to crack the perfect paint job!:lol:
It's in a bottle like the size and shape of a bulb, It was clear but maybe slightly yellowy and had brush like regular nail varnish brush - she seemed to dab on a bit then rub it in with the brush, I know I shoud have asked but didnt want to look thick....has anyone any idea what could this be?
Your help and any other tips you have would be so appreciated...I am determined to crack the perfect paint job!:lol: