Are you near Limoges Sarah?
Clermont Ferrand is another big city nearby i think.
You should do very well im sure.
I looked at your web site,very nice,alot of French women will want spa,relaxing well being treatments including aromatherapy,massage,and body treatments are big.
Skin care is really the first thing thats popular,waxing is big,together with nails.
Just out of interest,do you know the distributor for creative nails design in France?
Target the ex pat community if you can,i know of some english that have gone to that particular area,so they are there! particular target the "over 35 s,and retired for your well being treatments.
Waxing is seen as a "treatment",not a necessity,you should include a "modellage" after leg waxing,this is a form of massage.
If you can,learn as much french as you can,people will respect you for that Sarah.
Im sure you are doing well:hug:
Im just jelous,as we are not goin back to France for seveveral weeks,and when we do come back i feel "home sick" and have to adapt to the UK again...LOL
We are going to Auxerre,on the border of champagne and burgundy,as weve a house there.
This is the area we want to settle in as opposed to Langue d oc where we were going to go,as its not so touristy.
Have a great time in France