Hi there
I currently work from home Tues pm, Thurs and Frid and Minx is becoming very popular. 6 weeks ago I applied Minx to one of my tanning client who loved it and it lasted 5 weeks. She works in a hairdressers and her boss wanted hers done so t ended up me going to the salon and minxing 4 hairdressers. Today I had a call from her as all her clients were lasking for it asked if I would be interested working in her salon on a Friday each week. She has a part time therapist that isn't interested in taking on any new products/technics. I'm keen but don't know what to suggest financially.
At the moment I charge £25 for minx at home, I have the kit and a selection of designs. Because I have 3 young children I kind of work my own hours and some Friday's I may be busy and some I'm not. I definateley would not transfer my home clients to the salon but was thinking by working in the salon on Friday booked out with Minx I would be busier than usual.
I need to call her back to let her know if I'm keen but wanted advise on what the norm financial arrangement is in a salon.
Thanks in advance
Lorraine x
I currently work from home Tues pm, Thurs and Frid and Minx is becoming very popular. 6 weeks ago I applied Minx to one of my tanning client who loved it and it lasted 5 weeks. She works in a hairdressers and her boss wanted hers done so t ended up me going to the salon and minxing 4 hairdressers. Today I had a call from her as all her clients were lasking for it asked if I would be interested working in her salon on a Friday each week. She has a part time therapist that isn't interested in taking on any new products/technics. I'm keen but don't know what to suggest financially.
At the moment I charge £25 for minx at home, I have the kit and a selection of designs. Because I have 3 young children I kind of work my own hours and some Friday's I may be busy and some I'm not. I definateley would not transfer my home clients to the salon but was thinking by working in the salon on Friday booked out with Minx I would be busier than usual.
I need to call her back to let her know if I'm keen but wanted advise on what the norm financial arrangement is in a salon.
Thanks in advance
Lorraine x