Ruthie you hit the nail right on the head there babe.................
But also these big names, or call them personalities in the nail world that are members of this board, don't keep the how to get there tips to themselves.......................
Being a kick ass Technician!!!!!!!!!!
I for one wouldn't be where I am today without Geeg.............
I used to read about her and her Company years ago in the trade magazines and thought , now there is a smart woman........... I wonder if I get to meet her one day ????
Well years down the line................ I have met her, she took me by the scruff of my files and made me want to be better...........She inspires me.......she mentors me............... and the best thing is.............. She is my friend now..............not just a passing acquaintance, but a true friend.................but not just her, there is Mrs. Geek and The Grand Master Geek..........good friends and great mentors too..............and I love them dearly and regard them all with the highest respect.........
How did they get there.....???.......... 3 words spring to mind....BLOODY HARD WORK.......endless hours of working, researching, learning, teaching, earning the respect of the whole industry............
So it's not a free for all ride, it's hard graft.................
Then there are other big names......... Amanda Reevell, Liza Smith, Diane Plummer, Antony Buckley,Tracy Leija all names that I just used to read about........sorry if I have forgotten anyone xxxx
People that produce kick ass nails..............big names yes but also very big people as in.......big hearts....they want us to do well...... they get a kick out of other people doing well............They are all peoples people!!!!!!
Thats what makes those people BIG in my book..........
These are the people that gave me the opportunity to get where I am today.........They pushed , incouraged me, helped me, trained me.........
but most of all inspire me, to be the best I can possibly be.............
These people are there to help all of us, they give all of us a helping hand, but it's up to us to take it..............
So I don't think it's opportunity that made them big, it's the love of their profession, the passion for their profession and the passion for others to do well.................This inspires others to be the same, hence this fab network of support........which in turn gave me some great friends whom I love and respect dearly xxx
And I wouldn't have met any of them if it hadn't been for this site XXXX
So Samuel it's all your fault............
just my thoughts
Love Ruth xxxxxx
P.s Thanks Debs that was a lovely thing to say xxx