Speaking as a Creative spokesperson in this instance may I just say that I do not wish for you to feel in anyway that anyone is making a comment re your skills as a nail technician after an EN course. You may have passed with flying colours and we respect that.
As I said in another thread, EN serves a great need for those who feel the necessity to take a home learn course .. however, not being required to work on real live people and so therefore not having had your work judged on real nails plus the fact that the EN course does not cover what CND consider to be a considerable amount of vital information needed by future nail professionals (which IS included on the CND Foundation Course) they have taken the stance that in order to have all the techs who successfully use CND all 'singing from the same hymn sheet' and in possession of the same information, it is necessary to do more than just show you how to use CND products.
CND Conversion classes are not about how to do nails but how to use CND products successfully for the benefit of your business.
CND technicians have a reputation to uphold in the industry and CND treasure their standards and do not want to dilute them by allowing anyone to use the products who has not done what they consider to be the necessary training and in possession of the necessary underpinning knowledge. I hope you can understand and respect that.
It is incorrect to say that CND do not recognise your EN certificate .. of course they do, they however do not accept it as having gone far enough to do a CND Conversion Class.
Many many have gone on to do the CND Foundation course following the EN start up course and been very glad that they did. I have never heard of anyone saying they were sorry they did it or that they didn't feel it wasn't necessary to do it.