I DETEST doing my own nails.
It never bothered me until most recently. I used to do them all the time, changing them and whatnot...
But now with my schedule... ugh..
And of course, it takes me nearly twice as long to do my own as it does a client.
I'm not ambidextrous and it's a STRUGGLE to do my right (wrong) hand. I nearly always get lift on my last 3 fingers of my 'wrong' hand, on the right side of them because I can't get the angle right and my left hand isn't steady enough.
And I have GREAT hands!! Long narrow fingers, long nailbeds. I could just CRY for things I would love to wear and can't. :cry:
What frustrates me most is that there are some pretty funky things that I would do to myself IF I could. Things that my clients wouldn't wear OR that are more complicated than I am able to do yet. OR I can't do them on my right, only on my left.... so I don't bother because I'd look cock-eyed.
I would KILL for a Geek to live in my neighborhood with whom I could exchange services!
Sooo for the past year, I'm nearly NEVER satisfied with my own nails. I used to love them. Now? pfftttttt not so much.
I keep trying popits on myself. I don't do that well either. I either get too much or not enough L&P into them... And when there's not enough, I get bubbles and pockets and have to soak them off and start over again. ARRGHHHH lol Or I'm not steady enough for my own hands, and they wind up crooked or whatever lol
SO if any of you Geeks move to my area of town, you had best be prepared to have me as a client. :lol: