Eyebrow trauma!


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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I asked for your advice a few months ago on facial waxing as I haven't done much since my course. I had the two ladies in today for a lip/chin/eyebrow treatment each. Well, I followed all the advice and most of it went ok - I did it in small steps (took ages) but when I got to the second lady I couldn't work out what to do with her eyebrows. The hairs went straight up vertically and I've never encountered this before. They were also very deep and quite short horizontally - almost rectangles (can you picture this?) I nearly lost the will to live as she wanted them shaped and I just couldn't do it and it took me about 2 hours in total (for both of them - but most of it on this one lady). I think they look vaguely ok but they re-booked and I don't think I can do this again. I hate eyebrows!!!

I'm sorry to ramble but I am on the verge of tears - how do I approach this eyebrow thing. I need some serious eyebrow training!

Can anyone help with any of this?


oh dear they sound like a mad pair of eyebrows!!! if theyve re booked with you then they must be pleased with the result have you tried brushing them with a brow gel to try and get them to lie flat? brows though should only take max 20 mins if i was spending this amount of time on her id up the price a bit! good thing is you will know what to expect next time and once you start getting them into a good shape it wont take you as long!!! poor you. good luck!
You and they have to be realistic. You can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear. If she had awful brows to begin with, you can improve them but you're not going to give her Angelina Jolie brows. Brows like this are better tweezed.

Don't beat yourself up..........you did got. You must reduce your times though.

You need to book in for one of my 'Become a Brow Queen' masterclasses coming soon. xxxx
oooo thats sounds good where r u?
Thanks everyone, Ive calmed down a bit now. But even though they might be ok you know that feeling deep down when you know you haven't done your best - thats what I'm feeling and its horrible but I know it will pass.

Wax Queen - I'd love to do a masterclass - where are you and have you any idea of dates yet?


Id do a masterclass aswell give us more details ASAP!!!!!!!hehe:Grope:
I'll have details very soon. xxx
Hi siena

OMG I hate doing eyebrows too its a nightmere you would think two small things like the eyebrows would be the easist of waxing give me legs and bikinis anytime lol.

I have a nightmere every night b4 I know ive got an eyebrow wax to do the next day. most of the time its cool but you do come across a situation where you say what the hell im i going to do with them.

the worst fear is taking too much off one side and having to correct the other lol....if in doubt i still now and again us the old learning tool of vasaline lol but not using it as much now after alot of advice

I am more confident now that I have had advise from all these lovely geeks on here

\look out for Waxing Queens eyebrow waxing tuturial there really good and dead easy to follow got me waiting anyway :)

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