my other car is the new fiesta, we've got S21 LUK, but my hubby and i argue over who has car, we also show the car so i can't put my graphics on it (and he forbids me to do so!-its his baby-keep sayin ill put a bed in the garage for him so he can sleep next to it!), this is why i want my own baby so i can put my website and name on it. although i want this done up ka, coz ive been bitten by the maxing bug, and can't have a car without alloy wheels big enough to sit in, tinted windows, body skirts, bucket seats, air filter, front and back brake conversion, and major tweaking done to engine.
very sad, i know, but hey, im young im allowed to do silly things, and drive around in a ridiculasly lowered car that can't get over speed bumps! lol