Well-Known Member
My Grandma Nowell died on Saturday, and so I want to tell you all about her.
She was 88 years old, and even though it was my Step-Dads Grandma, she made sure we called her that and thought of her as our Grandma.
She had Liver Cancer and there was nothing they could do for her. She was a bubbly, determined Lady, who had a great sense of humour and we loved her lots.
She was like a real Nana Moon! :lol: She made her own Baileys and drank a small glass every morning with breakfast!
At the age of 80 she got pulled over by the Police for speeding, but when the Policeman saw two old ladies and a wheelchair in the car he thought it was so funny that he let her off with a warning! :lol:
She would dress in beautiful classy suits and sit and do her crosswords, she adored gardening and kept her garden beautiful.
She lived in Kings Lynn, and so I havent seen her for a while, but I wrote her a letter in December to which she replied, and wished me the best of luck with my Salon. My Stepdad and Mum travelled to see her at the weekend, and she was in bed, with them and my step-dads parents beside her. She couldn't communicate properly, but they told her how everybody was doing, and they kept her smiling.
My Stepdad and his Dad popped out, and that is when she passed away. We think that she waited to see the people she loved, and make sure they were happy, then she decided to go because it was Valentines Day and she had an important date with her husband! :lol:
We will all miss her lots, she was like a ray of sunshine. And I just wanted to share with you all what a truly amazing and wonderful person she was.
She was 88 years old, and even though it was my Step-Dads Grandma, she made sure we called her that and thought of her as our Grandma.
She had Liver Cancer and there was nothing they could do for her. She was a bubbly, determined Lady, who had a great sense of humour and we loved her lots.
She was like a real Nana Moon! :lol: She made her own Baileys and drank a small glass every morning with breakfast!
At the age of 80 she got pulled over by the Police for speeding, but when the Policeman saw two old ladies and a wheelchair in the car he thought it was so funny that he let her off with a warning! :lol:
She would dress in beautiful classy suits and sit and do her crosswords, she adored gardening and kept her garden beautiful.
She lived in Kings Lynn, and so I havent seen her for a while, but I wrote her a letter in December to which she replied, and wished me the best of luck with my Salon. My Stepdad and Mum travelled to see her at the weekend, and she was in bed, with them and my step-dads parents beside her. She couldn't communicate properly, but they told her how everybody was doing, and they kept her smiling.
My Stepdad and his Dad popped out, and that is when she passed away. We think that she waited to see the people she loved, and make sure they were happy, then she decided to go because it was Valentines Day and she had an important date with her husband! :lol:
We will all miss her lots, she was like a ray of sunshine. And I just wanted to share with you all what a truly amazing and wonderful person she was.