HELP!!!!! Natural nails coming off!


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Feb 22, 2010
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I'm hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this. The other day my husnband was dressing our 1 year old little boy, and noticed that his big toe nail looked odd, on closer inspection we realised that the nail plate was split almost the whole way across right next to the eponychium, this didnt seem to be bothering him at all and we didnt know when it had happened. I thought he could have banged it or dropped something on it, as he has been walking for almost 4 months now and has an almost 4 year old brother, so they do play quite roughly!!! Anyway, I have just bathed them after they decided to dig up my flower bed and found that his little finger nail does not appear to be attached to the nail bed at all, i dont want to go poking around, so I dont know how far down this goes, but I have my suspicions, its right down to the eponychium again. Again, he doesnt seem to be bothered by it, he isnt pulling his hand away or holding it funny. If it was just one, i think I would accept it, but I am starting to really worry now!!! (I'm actually crying while I write this!!). I will be taking him to the doctor tomorrow, but they are closed now. But if anyone has any ideas what it could be or what i can do with it, please help!!!
poor little mite, it could be a number of things but until you see the doc you won't know could be a little fungal infection picked up out of the garden, (EASILY FIXED) he may have banged his feet and hands could be any number of things ,, try not to panic your doc will help you :)
I'm hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this. The other day my husnband was dressing our 1 year old little boy, and noticed that his big toe nail looked odd, on closer inspection we realised that the nail plate was split almost the whole way across right next to the eponychium, this didnt seem to be bothering him at all and we didnt know when it had happened. I thought he could have banged it or dropped something on it, as he has been walking for almost 4 months now and has an almost 4 year old brother, so they do play quite roughly!!! Anyway, I have just bathed them after they decided to dig up my flower bed and found that his little finger nail does not appear to be attached to the nail bed at all, i dont want to go poking around, so I dont know how far down this goes, but I have my suspicions, its right down to the eponychium again. Again, he doesnt seem to be bothered by it, he isnt pulling his hand away or holding it funny. If it was just one, i think I would accept it, but I am starting to really worry now!!! (I'm actually crying while I write this!!). I will be taking him to the doctor tomorrow, but they are closed now. But if anyone has any ideas what it could be or what i can do with it, please help!!!

aww bless you hun - i can just imagine you crying as your typing! i'm sure the doctor will be able to sort it out no problem at all and least he doesnt seem to be in any pain. Try not to worry.

Jodie x x
I'm hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this. The other day my husnband was dressing our 1 year old little boy, and noticed that his big toe nail looked odd, on closer inspection we realised that the nail plate was split almost the whole way across right next to the eponychium, this didnt seem to be bothering him at all and we didnt know when it had happened. I thought he could have banged it or dropped something on it, as he has been walking for almost 4 months now and has an almost 4 year old brother, so they do play quite roughly!!! Anyway, I have just bathed them after they decided to dig up my flower bed and found that his little finger nail does not appear to be attached to the nail bed at all, i dont want to go poking around, so I dont know how far down this goes, but I have my suspicions, its right down to the eponychium again. Again, he doesnt seem to be bothered by it, he isnt pulling his hand away or holding it funny. If it was just one, i think I would accept it, but I am starting to really worry now!!! (I'm actually crying while I write this!!). I will be taking him to the doctor tomorrow, but they are closed now. But if anyone has any ideas what it could be or what i can do with it, please help!!!

Awwww bless you hun. :hug: I don't have children but I can understand your concern.

I, personally think that you should get your GP to take a look at him as we are always told we should never diagnose or (try to) and somebody could say something which might worry you.

Please let us know how you get on as it would be interesting to find out what exactly is causing this to happen.

Sending you lots of hugs :hug: :hug:
Please don't pay any attention to any suggestion you may get as to the possible cause. There is no one person on here who will be able to tell you what it is! Even if there is a doctor here they wouldn't diagnose on a written description.

I'm sorry you have to wait for the answer :hug: Kids are such a worry aren't they
Thanks for your replies!!! To be honest, I wasn't really expecting a diagnosis or anything really!!! I think it was just such a shock, that I just wanted some reassurance from the people that at the moment I feel like I am spending most of my time getting to know!!! I was also a little stuck with how to deal with it until I can get him to the doctor, whether to strap them up or just leave them or what?!?!? In the end, I just left it, as I said they didnt seem to be bothering him, so thought that was best!!!

You are right Mum about kids being a worry!!! After all of that, he started getting grizzly and ended up going to bed with a bit of a temperature as well!!! I don't think I am going to sleep very well tonight!!!

Thanks for listening xxx
Honey, hope everything will be OK tomorrow))):hug: Let us know how the wee one gets on at the doctors. Hugs
Oh dear, poor you and poor baby. Try not to worry too much, easier said than done i KNOW but children are very tough little creatures. Just get to bed yourself and get to the doctors in the morning I hope everything is ok and do let us know how it goes. Good luck
hope all goes well today let us know he's ok :)
Thanks again everyone!!! I took him to the doctor this morning and he couldn't explain why it had happened!!! He examined him and said that under both nails there is actually new nail. His fingernail came off completely this morning, leaving a gap beneath the eponychium and along the lateral folds, but the doctor said that there was still some kind of nail covering the nail bed, as if not it would be very inflammed and look really nasty (which this doesnt), it is red but not excessively. This would explain why Harri doesn't seem bothered by it, but I had never heard of anything like this and it was such a shock to see his tiny nail just hanging off!!! I just have to keep an eye on it and if it changes at all, take him back. Is this something anyone has heard of? I thought if the nail came off, there was nothing under it!!!
Aww poor you, children are such a worry at times.

Something similar seems to be happening to my daughter's toe nails. She is older, 12, and with one foot I understand why it is happening because they were made to do an indoor games lesson at school with no shoes on, but one child had to keep their trainers on because she had an infection and my poor little accident prone daughter managed to get her bare foot in the way of the only child wearing trainers and came home with a very sore blue, bruised big toe. Now however, two nights ago I noticed her other big toe nail looked like it had split two thirds of the way down her nail but on looking closer it was as you say an old nail growing out with a new soft and quite thin nail underneath, but what is left of the old nail is still pink, so not seperated and attached to the side walls and still attached to the nail bed but just growing down ready to grow out and come off safely I hope. Now today I have noticed another toe nail has also done the same.

She never complained of hurting her toe nails or feet. She does paint her own toe nails but she always uses professional products correctly with cuticle oil as I have shown her and watch her doing them quite often and I still check them and clip them regularly for her and I did not notice anything unusual until the other night. Her toe nails are like my husband's and have transverse ridges in them especiall the big toe nails. There is no obvious damage to the nail so I don't know why this is happening I can only assume it is because she does alot of dance classes, but she always wears appropriate well fitting dance shoes and I keep her nails short. She never wears any high shoes either?

So I don't know either but I was a bit worried too yesterday and took her to the practice nurse to get it checked and she just shrugged and said keep and eye on it. She said there was no infection and it did not look like there is any permanent damage so don't worry (so now I will worry of course :biggrin:).
Thanks again everyone!!! I took him to the doctor this morning and he couldn't explain why it had happened!!! He examined him and said that under both nails there is actually new nail. His fingernail came off completely this morning, leaving a gap beneath the eponychium and along the lateral folds, but the doctor said that there was still some kind of nail covering the nail bed, as if not it would be very inflammed and look really nasty (which this doesnt), it is red but not excessively. This would explain why Harri doesn't seem bothered by it, but I had never heard of anything like this and it was such a shock to see his tiny nail just hanging off!!! I just have to keep an eye on it and if it changes at all, take him back. Is this something anyone has heard of? I thought if the nail came off, there was nothing under it!!!

This can be true if the nail has been injured BUT ....

Nails will also come off when a new one is pushing it from beneath so this makes perfect sense.

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