Hi All
I am starting my CND Foundation course in 2 weeks and I can't wait!
I just wanted to ask when I should be taking out insurance?
I have searched the forum and some people said that student insurance should be taken out when practising on case studies and other threads say that insurance doesnt need to be taken out until you start working on people who arent family and friends so normally once you have qualified.
I plan on only working on family and friends to start off with, during and after my training and then I want to work in a salon on a Saturday (when I am a bit more confident and if I can find someone who is willing to take me on) and then continue with family and friends in the evenings and stuff.
I am starting my CND Foundation course in 2 weeks and I can't wait!
I just wanted to ask when I should be taking out insurance?
I have searched the forum and some people said that student insurance should be taken out when practising on case studies and other threads say that insurance doesnt need to be taken out until you start working on people who arent family and friends so normally once you have qualified.
I plan on only working on family and friends to start off with, during and after my training and then I want to work in a salon on a Saturday (when I am a bit more confident and if I can find someone who is willing to take me on) and then continue with family and friends in the evenings and stuff.