Mixing different Brands.


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Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Tasmania, Australia
I posted up yesterday asking if you can mix and match brands.. and/or lamps.
After reading your replies, and also doing a search :)smack:) I found out that its not the best thing to do. You should stick to one system. I also found out the different types of gels i.e soft and hard gels.

I trained with my previous employer, and this is what we used for a french look.
-Cal gel no. 43 pink
-Brisa paint on white
-acrygel clear (Star Nail International :: Acrygel)

And her lamp wasnt a particular brand, just bought off ebay.
Now her gels looked absolutely perfect, every time. Clients never had a problem with lifting/breaking.

So I guess my question is... how has she not had problems?
Also, isnt cal gel and brisa a soft gel, and the acrygel a hard gel...?

Thanks for your thoughts!!

Dont know about Calgel and Acrygel but Brisa is a hard file off gel. I think Biosculpture is a soft gel HTH
Calgel is a soft gel, and the others are hard.
I'm guessing that the building was done with the acrygel? In that case the rigidness of it would stop any of the movment of the Calgel.

Sometimes a gel can be cured by a different lamp, but we have no way of knowing how effective it will be and product companies aren't going to test with every brand out there. They designed and test their gels to work with their lamp.

Then again, sometimes a gel may appear to have cured properly when it really hasn't, then you could be putting your clients at risk of overexposure. You wouldn't know at the time, but down the track you could end up with alot of clients dveloping allergies.

If you use the recommended lamp, and cure for the recommended time, (and your bulbs aren't old) you can be sure.
I also found out the different types of gels i.e soft and hard gels.

And her lamp wasnt a particular brand, just bought off ebay.
Amber did an article about the different types of gel available... http://www.salongeek.com/misc-tutorials/35483-choosing-correct-gel.html

Re the lamp, you can never ensure a total cure unless you're using the UV lamp recommended for your gel system, I did an article about UV lamps, http://www.salongeek.com/general-articles/35947-choosing-uv-lamp-your-gel-system.html

hth's a bit

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