Nail fungus


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Active Member
Jun 21, 2004
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I am so sad!!!!! My first appoinhtment walked in with a nail fungus and told me her cousin has it to who has gotten her nails done from me also. I disinfect everything and i am very clean on my work station. There was a previous nail fungus and i trew away the files used on her. The only thing i could tell her was i am sorry and next time if she wants to i will do her nails free of charge.
:o :( :mad: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I am scared now. WHat if she goes and tell people.
Was the nail green?

If it was, it was not a fungus but a bacterial infection.

Once the enhancement is removed, the bacteria can no longer multiply and the infection will be gone. You can clean the nail with a good strong sanitiser like ScrubFresh and re-apply the product.

You will still perhaps see the green stain left by the infection but this is only a stain and will grow out. It does not mean the infection is still active. Look at the Geek's tutorial on this and you will learn more.

These things can happen a bit more frequently in hot countries and may not be your fault at all. Usually green nail is caused by water and moisture leaking between the product and the natural nail and becoming trapped there. If a client knocks and cracks a nail and doesn't have it attended to right away, then moisture can leak under the enhancement. This accident of the client is not your fault. You must warn clients that this can happen when they crack or break a nail and tell them what to do.

Another cause could be that the client did not return for maintenance within the normal time span of 2-3 weeks.

Many things can cause a green nail without it necessarily being your fault. If you're sure your prep is thorough then it is more likely the cause of the client. But maintenance is very important ... you must keep an eagle eye out for any places that are not sealed and not allow moisture to sneak in.
DO you think that it might be coaused because here now is time for beach and all these girls are going to the beach. But its so hard to explain to them in Italian. So if i clean well the nail i could reapply nails on her. Is not better to let nail brethe??
Summer time is the worst time of the year for this and we see the problem here in Spain as well. It is not necessary for the nail to have 'air' time as nails do not breathe, they are made up of non-living keratin. You can reapply immediately.

A really good idea is to get your aftercare leaflet translated for you and then you will not have to explain in Italian. Here is the aftercare leaflet I did, in Spanish, which is very similar and most Italians understand Spanish. It will give a good guide to your translator.


Hay muchos problemas causados por clientes que no siguen los consejos de su técnica de uñas o que no regresan al salón para un mantenimiento regular. Si usted sigue estas normas simples, sus prolongaciones de uñas seguirán siendo bonitas, duraderas y no causarán daños en sus uñas naturales.

Morder o arrancar las uñas mientras lleven prolongaciones, podría debilitarlas y podrían romperse.

Las prolongaciones de uñas no se deben usar como herramientas para arrancar o arrañar cosas, ya que esto las pone bajo presión y podria causar una ruptura.

Las pronlongaciones de uñas también se debilitarán y se dañarán si son tratadas bruscamente. P.ej. Exponerlas a detergentes sin usar guantes de goma, puede causar que las uñas se sequen, se debiliten y a causa de esto podrían romperse.

Las prolongaciones necesitan un mantenimiento cada dos o tres semanas. Si la prolongación se levanta o se daña y es ignorada, podria dar lugar a una infección bacterial (uña verde).

Si se da cuenta de que la prolongación se levanta no la estire por la parte levantada porque esto causará un incremento del levantamiento y dañará la uña natural. Regrese al salón para repararla.

Las prolongaciones de uñas se pueden quitar sin ningún problema con un quitaesmalte apropiado seguido por una manicura para restaurar la humedad y para condicionar sus uñas naturales. Esto es un procedimiento profesional que se lleva a cabo en el salón y nunca se debe de hacer en casa.

Al quitar el esmalte siempre se debe usar el quitaesmalte recomendado por la técnica de uñas. Un quitaesmalte sin acetona se considera la más adecuada para la uña.

Mientras lleve extensiones de uñas, evite estirar hacia atrás contra las puntas de las uñas esto podría causar daños o ruptura. P.ej. quitar(estirando)la ropa de la lavadora.

Use SolarOil™ o SolarButter™, para mantener a las extensiones flexibles, para prolongar su vida y reducir el riesgo de ruptura.

Trate sus uñas con cuidado hasta que esté acostumbrada a ellas. Hay muchas formas de dañarlas(puertas del coche, armarios. etc). Tenga cuidado con estas cosas y se acostumbrará a usar sus manos de forma diferente. No haga nada usted misma con sus uñas y deje que su técnica de uñas se las cuide.

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