Leukonychia, me thinks :lol:
Leukonychia spots. Clusters of nail cells that have not gone through the flattening and hardening process. Usually through trauma to the matrix (example being aggressive manicuring)
Leukonychia (true) looks either like an all white or solid white banded nail. Usually a genetic condition. Sometimes from serious internal conditions (such as heavy metal poisoning)
Very rare to see this condition
Let's keep the ball rolling!
What's the technical name for true cuticle (the dead bits that's ok to nip off)?
Technical name for cuticle is: Cuticle - the non living tissue that forms the seal between the new nail plate and eponychium (skin fold) the cuticle sheds from the eponychium as it grows (rolls over) towards the finger. However the cuticle is so sticky it easily stays adhere pd to the nail plate beyond the eponychium - at this point it is safe to remove
Eponychium - the fold of living tissue that covers the nail matrix and should never be cut into
Pterygium - often reffered to as true cuticle is intact not related. It is medically defined as a 'any abnormal, winglike structure of skin'
This condition occurs in many parts of the body including the eye.
When discussing nails it is used to describe the condition of a nail where the matrix or eponychium has fused to the nail plate - damaging the plate and dragging living tissue across the plate and bed structure.
This should NEVER be cut as it is living scar tissue
To keep the game going:
What is the average thickness (number of layers) in,
A fingernail?
A toenail?