Thanks for suggesting me.
Em...I understand that you have business experience, but have you been to your local Business Link? Just for the simple reason they may have dealt with someone in a similar situation to you at the moment and be able to help, or indeed point you in the direction of someone who can.
Persianista (Dawn) is brilliant with all staffing issues, and has indeed helped me in the past with queries.
What I would say is you need someone to run your salon. This person will need experience of running a salon, be trustworthy, and of course be highly qualified in her/his skill. Also, if you are looking to open beauty too, you will need someone on this side with similar attributes. I would say you are looking to pay reasonably well for these people, as they in effect will be running your business.
Qualification wise, in a hairdresser I know most people say don't take on anyone less qualified than a Level 3, and if not, highly experienced in working in a group where they will have learnt further skills than a Level 2 (the basic hair qualification). I know a few of the more experienced salon owners in here suggest not taking on a college trained stylist, instead employing "in house" trained girls, but I think it depends. I'm currently offering a job to a girl whos just finished Level 2, trained in a college but she's worked with me and I see her potential. Its just more difficult for you as you won't know what is a good hairdresser and what is much as us trained ones do!
I would say, get your manager, then get her/him to help you find staff.
Feel like I've rambled a bit....sorry if it doesn't make sense or if it is things you already know.
Hair - Level 2 is basic qual, Level 3 is further qual, A1 is an assessors qual so they can assess students in house (do you want this?)
Beauty - Level 2, basic, Level 3, further, HNC further again, HND further again (I do hair not beauty but employ a beauty girl so apologies if any of that info is wrong)