New to Salon Geek and looking for the Nailclass book


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Jan 27, 2010
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Hi there,
i found this site thru a friend on a different beauty website and i am already in love with it. It's awesome that people from everywhere get on here and not only from one country or area:)
I am a US-licensed nailtech and hairstylist but never worked as a nailtech before (the way they trained us wasn't really the best ......:cry:) i have some time left before i start my new job, we just relocated to Germany and i am determined to improve my nailskills in those months i have left!
I currently use the Backscratchers Dipping-System but want to start practising the "oldfashioned" P/L-way . i read about the "nailclass" book and have been trying to order it but it seems like the book is not available anywhere ! i tried, , barnes & Noble etc but it s not available anywhere.......does anybody have a secret advise for me where else i could try it ???? thank you so much
I just ordered and received mine from Mundo. Awesome book!!:D
If anyone could also let me know how to get the Nailclass book then i'd really appreciate it. Amazon don't have it and I'm going to have to cancel the order I made with Waterstones because i've waited over a month for it and they still can't tell me when they will get it in their warehouse - that's if they ever do!

Thank you!
Hey, I got my Nailclass by Gigi Rouse real easy. Rang sweet squared and had it by the next day. 0845 210 6060....enjoy :)

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