I have mentioned on here before, we use Platinum Software at our salon. As already mentioned above, you do have to be very careful of ongoing 'hidden costs' such as forcing you to pay for any support, insisting you pay for training and also expensive upgrades. I looked into many softwares and found this to be the case in most of them.
I liked Platinum as none of these things were true with them. The system is fantastic, very simplistic and as I had older reception staff who had never really used a computer, it was something I had to consider! They all took to it really well, and all staff still enjoy using the system, I know I do! It has save me heaps of time in paperwork, and the marketing I can do is second to none....
The support is great, I seem to remember you had full support during their free trial (2 months) and then free email support for life, as time has gone on we hardly need to contact at all, but in the early days, they were extremely helpful when we did need it.