Hi Sharon
Re - bubbles .. I have fixed this but I have to say that my answer is not the same as the ones others have given on other posts .. so apologies if my theory is different from others!
I found 3 types of bubbles at first .. one is complete crystalisation, the second is bubbles from air getting under the popit and the third is air in the bead.
To prevent the first 2 - I prefer to over fill the popit enough that when pressed down firmly you get a small amount squish out either side wall (which immediately scrape away whilst still holding the popit down hard). this prevents uncessary space/air under the popit. Next remember that as you apply the popit - let the cutical edge touch first and press the rest down from there. Finally hold it really firm for 2 mins. I've found that if you let go before 2 mins .. it looks perfect for a min .. the next thing you know .. bubbles! I think the L&P has to set really hard or it can drag air in? I do press down hard too, hard enough that I ask my client if I'm hurting, they always no but it feels firm to me. I get thumb ache by the end of the second hand. In the beginning I used to ask my client to hold down while I went to next nail .. but I found that just the process of us swapping between 'me holding' and 'her holding' was enough to let air in. Be patient and hold tight for 2mins. Finally I don't use a popit more than twice. I use one set of 5 per client (assuming that their left hand same size as right).
In terms of the tiny odd bubbles .. usually these are already in the mix, while you fill the popit you can often just sweep them out .. it's easier if the mix is wetter.
Crystalisation occurs definately if you let air in badly or also if products are not at room temp I think.
Hope this helps, if anyone has any further tips that might help please advise x
thumb ache from holding down a popit ????? 2 minutes, what are you using ..... tile grout ?
It's a firm, gentle, even pressure for about 15-20 seconds, (temperature dependant) check out the videos, i've never seen anyone hold them for 2 minutes, it's almost like sticking on a tip,(in reverse) but instead of moving the air out of adhesive back gently from the free edge, you are moving acrylic forward gently (from the cuticle towards the free edge).
Something to take into consideration is .... popits don't work on everyone, every shape, or every contour, (you can't force them on, or they will pop before they are ready) with experience you will learn who can and who can't have them.
Airbubbles are usually from faffing, poking and prodding product, you are actually making the air bubbles yourself. (it's very important you don't poke and prod the product .....PRESS IT INTO THE FORM)
Lay the product in the poppit, then press firmly and gently to the sides and forward (towards you) using almost the whole body of your brush (not just the tip), allow a second or 2 for any bubbles to come to the surface, then pop it on.
Geeg is the true popit expert, but i've done a few quite close up videos of the process.
Thanks to Geeg I now have a brill pair of scissors for cutting off the skirts in one swoop .... (I feel another video coming on)
Check this out for product application to avoid air bubbles
YouTube - Acrylic Nails - Dual System Form French Nails