my advice would be to keep costs to a minimum for your literature. printing up your own on the computer is a great idea.i found that random leaflet drops bring very little response, try to target your audience to places where people are trying to improve themselves eg a gym or hairdressers, or places where a lot of ladies work, maybe a hospital or supermarket. yellow pages is the best way to advertise as it is something people keep all year, whereas local papers are chucked out quickly, sometimes can get a special offer for first time advertisers, it cost me about £140. i find most business comes by word of mouth, so it may be worth you doing a couple of free sets for people who work in a place like a hardressers or something so that word gets around. if you know a teenager you could do a freebie and in return she could leave a wad of leaflets in the ladies room when she goes to nightclubs. just a few ideas, i hope all goes well. :biggrin: