I knew it was there somewhere! I've been looking for a post by Axiom on a thread I'm subscribed to. He gives some pretty good detail on how to clean out a wax tub. Here you go:
Any of the wax equipment cleaners out there will do the job, but even just a cheap massage or mineral oil will work (or the Jasmine Oil if you bought that!). The trick is definitely to make sure the tub is warm first - scrape as much of the remaining wax out as you can with a spatula, spritz your oil or equipment cleaner on generously, then use a paper or fabric waxing strip to wipe the rest of the wax from inside the tub (the strips are tougher than using tissues, as you'll need to give it a reasonably vigorous rub!!). Give it a good soapy rinse and a wipe with surgical spirit or something similar when you're done, to make sure there is no oily residue left on the inside of the pot, and you're ready to go.
Hope that helps. Let me know how you get on!