Remembering where you came from


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What a great thread:lol: hands up who's lost their temper on here and posted something they shouldn't:o Thank geek for sharp eyed mods:lol:
My first post, well it was nothing to do with nails it was about difficult children and I'd been a lurker for a long time, but felt I had to reach out to this person and tell her not to give up. I think you all 'touched my heart' as much as I touched hers:hug:
LMAO, IYKWIM. I didn't dare ask, and it took me ages to work out what the heck they stood for.
I try to help, because so many have helped me and that's what this place is all about. It's not the newbie's that drive me bats, it's the ones who want us to do their home work for them and when we tell them where to find the information so they can make their own answers, think we are being snobby:rolleyes:
Round about May/ June time:lol:
but apart from that, no, I can't write it, I can hear you all laughing at me, I do try to be calm, helpfull and friendly but yer, I'm human:lol:
I'm also lucky to be part of this great big family called salon geek:hug:
:eek:And we still cant get bleeding rid of ya waffling on :lol::lol: The chair has a permanent dent in it now! Oh and I think you will find its 6 years babe.
You know I lurves ya babe

Flippin Eck has it really !!!!! See how time fly's :eek:

The one bad thing about Geeks though is...... they get you drunk at parties :cry:
Flippin Eck has it really !!!!! See how time fly's :eek:

The one bad thing about Geeks though is...... they get you drunk at parties :cry:

You didnt need encouragement, you started off very good then it all went to pot!
You didnt need encouragement, you started off very good then it all went to pot!

Oh no you don't, it's your fault, you're the little voice that eggs us good girls on:smack:
I have the pm's to prove it:twisted:
One of my first posts was around the was then The NailGeek..and I had been a Technician for nearly 10 years and thought I knew it all (yea righty ho).. asking if there was any room for me as a Fibreglass only Technician...... I didn't do L&P and had no intentions of ever using it.....
Geeg was my mentor and still is,and thanks to her guidance and advice I took my L&P Masters within the year.....
I still remember all the Questions and the Pm's going back and forth....and as I can't pay her back for any of this help, I pay it forward....
Mentoring and thats what we all do here, is about patience, not giving out answers to please, but giving answers to move skills on. If you feel frustrated by a question then let someone else answer it, or answer it in a way that is helpful.....I remember being new, I remember thinking WTF do I do now...... and mostly I remember how I was spoken to, yes it may not have been what I wanted to hear, but it was said in such a way that I took notice and improved as a technician and now as a mentor too....


and I do believe in my signature message too:
They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
I just flounced right in and sat in awe of you all and started waffled on . 3 years am still doing the same.................and i am not leaving so HA!!!

I think this quote is the one which we should all read and think about

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

I know exactly why this thread was started!

I think we should all go back and read our posts and decide if they have made someone (apart from us) feel good!
I like this thread, it did make me look back to my first posts... i dont think they were too bad!
I have used the search tool from the beginning, its my favorite feature on the site- i spend hours sometimes searching things. (yes i have too much time on my hands!) so i think this has saved me from needing to ask some silly things.

If other newbies would utilise this facility more then they may save themselves what they may later think is a silly question or an answer they dont like from a fed up 'old geek' as often its been asked a hundred times before.

I do however think some answers to these questions can seem a little abrupt at times but then I guess it also depends on how the reader chooses to read into an answer.
I like to do (write!?) to others as I would like to be done myself, so wouldnt answer in a manner I would not like someone to do to me.

From an old geeks perspective ..... :green:
I don't mind answering the same question again and again to a point! That point is when the same question has been asked numerous times on the same PAGE that they are already posting on? That does get me a bit. It's easy enough to scan the page before posting.

It's good for new ones to do a little search, but one could search every topic and never post or join in at all! We wouldn't want that either. A bit of thought and balance would be nice. :green:

I do find that sometimes the salon geek these days just turns into a product review forum instead of the meaty, juicy questions that used to be asked by new by nail techs! What's changed? Do they know it all now and the most important question to them is Shellac or Pronto? :lol: OPI or IBD or XYZ? No one can think of a thought provoking thread for the week TPTW? Threads that are thought provoking help everyone.

Lastly ... The bickering! I know what has prompted this thread and even now there are still some catty remarks. To be blunt there are a few people who need to learn to keep their mouths shut and not always have to have the last word. Yes that's right, I said a FEW; you are like a bunch of sqabbling children rather than adult supposed professionals. If you want to squabble then do it privately (as per site rules) and stop letting this community down ... Because that is exactly what you are doing. :smack: I don't apologise; it needed saying and for those who are paranoid, I am not thinking or aiming my remarks at any one particular individual ... If the cap fits YOU then suck it up and make some improvements.
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This is a great thread!!

I would never be rude to anyone and I remember very well being a newbie and as I always say, no question is stupid if you don't know the answer!!

I hope this thread will encourage more newbies and oldies to post, because it's not just the newbies that feel intimidated!!

We haven't all had the same training and aren't all at the same level in our careers, so that should be taken into consideration.

I love this site and I've learned so much and continue to learn.

None of us know it all!! :)
I've had some great fun in here, chatted with some fabulous people and have met a few too, after a few bumps and hurdles along the way-(due to my abrupt nature), I kinda call a spade a spade and am a bit highly strung, been banned for it too (and deserved it) :)

I kinda feel at home here now, even though we have an AUS forum :eek:

I do find some posts a little "odd", if someone has had even very basic training, but that's the nature of forums.

And I do find some answers a little "odd" too (no point getting yourself bitch-listed) by people that may help you in the future, no point making yourself better than you are (that's short-lived too).

Try and wind yourself back a few (or many) years and appreciate the questions for what they are and where they are coming from. Also remember education is different now and the advice educators give is different (many educators make you seek out your own answers) after all, they can't hold your hand (pardon the pun) forever.

I will try and help as much as I can, but I like to help people that help themselves and have a short wick for "pretenders" ..... yes they do exist .... and yes, in here heaven forbid.

When I started out many did everything they could to hold me back and keep me down, but I persevered ......

Never had anything like Salongeek when I started out.

You guys are so lucky, you have a wonderful opportunity to share with your peers, your ups and downs ....... and there are so many willing to share their experiences, so many wonderful products ....... and no matter how experienced you think you are, there can VERY often be a little titbit that will just light up that globe in your head :idea:.

And they can come from anywhere and anyone, no matter how much experience they have had, or where they came from, you just have to listen ...... and in the case of forums "read" and sometimes read between the lines without jumping to conclusions or taking offense, because "HOW" you read things can often be "your own perception" and not the intent of the poster.

Chillax and learn.
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No point getting yourself bitch-listed by people that may help you in the future, no point making yourself better than you are (that's short-lived too)

This is a classic... I like very much...
We all need to read and learn...... :)
This is a great thread Jen :hug:

I don't remember my first thread but I know I spent hours and hours and hours on here when I first decided to 'do something' with the qualification that I had. I was in awe of so many people on here, many of whom I have been lucky enough to meet and can call a friend now. :D The same people are still here giving good advice to those who are willing to LISTEN:)

I don't come on here often now but this site is like a comfort blanket.....just makes you feel ok if you need it :) I don't often answer questions because I feel there are better qualified people on here and who are much more eloquent than me!!!!

(BTW Carl, although I am now self employed I have kept the name :):hug: xxx)
Hmmmmmmmmm lots of food for thought here..

Ok, here goes.

When I first joined the site, I made mistakes. I took my slaps on the wrist like a big girl and I didn't create threads about those slaps, whining in self-pity. I LEARNED from my mistakes. And GREW as a person, as a result of them.

YES, sometimes on occasion, a member or two handles a post/thread a little roughly. We all have our bad days and kick ourselves later, and for some people - they have more than most :lol:

But in the end, this is a Professional forum, with RULES. The Rules were created to keep order on the site and to keep the 'majority' of the members happy.
People should stop whining like 2yr olds, go read the rules and learn from them. I'm NOT a fan of poor-pitiful-me parties. They're immature and a waste of forum space.

So yes, some of us DO need to remember what it's like to be starting out.
On the other hand, others need to grow up and act like PROFESSIONAL ADULTS.

I for one would NOT be where I am today without Salongeek and it's most valuable and generous and loving community. I count myself LUCKY to be part of this crowd.

Hey, back in the beginning, I went head to head with Geeg herself and OUCH took my spanking like a big girl, learned from it and MOVED ON.
Now we're buddies. Go figure:lol:
One of my first posts was how to put enhancements on extremely badly bitten nails, I got quite a few responses with good advice, but also they pionted me in the direction of the tutorials and where to go on them.

I think a trip to the tutorial place is a great place to start off, not just for newbies but for all of us, a lot of geeks have spent a lot of time making these valuble tutorials for us, and I wonder how many geeks actually take the time to go through them? a lot of their questions could easily be answered.
I don't come on here as much now as at one point there seemed to be a craze of text typing and could not stand it, so now I come and have a quick glance see whats going on.
Great thread this. :)
Thanks guys, glad you are getting stuck in lol :hug:
I was searching for a specific thread and came across this. Has made great reading, so thought I'd bump it for all to read that haven't.
A great thread. Thanks planks:) x
i think this is a great thread, good job.
i am indeed a newbie, not so to the industry( ok so three years is fairly new) but i only joined this site today, and i have literally spent all day on here.
ok so i have no idea what the abbreviations are? but i will work them out. i have quickly learnt that the search bar is my best friend, and you are all here to help and maybe one day i can help newbies when im big and successful.

so once again a fab thread and i promise to abide by salongeek policy :biggrin:
i think this is a great thread, good job.
i am indeed a newbie, not so to the industry( ok so three years is fairly new) but i only joined this site today, and i have literally spent all day on here.
ok so i have no idea what the abbreviations are? but i will work them out. i have quickly learnt that the search bar is my best friend, and you are all here to help and maybe one day i can help newbies when im big and successful.

so once again a fab thread and i promise to abide by salongeek policy :biggrin:
You may find the following link an interesting read and if you search for 'abreviations' there are also a few more posts where people explain what lots of the abreviations on this site are all about :wink2:.
Message Board Lingo - Page 2 - Salon Geek
HTH :lol:

I think that sometimes people read things into posts that are not meant to be there, I have been accused of being too short & sharp in some of my replies and sounding harsh. There were reasons that the reply was short and to the point but I thought that by answering (even if only a short reply) I was helping - my bad - now if I'm rushing, short of time or really busy I try to remember to return to the post later when I have more time and to always answer the threads where I think I can help but I always try to ensure it's written in a way that hopefully no-one will read the wrong way. I can't remember what my first posts were about but they were probably nail related and most likely silly things to have asked but I got answers and was always greatful for all the help I got and because I got that help I try to give back help and advice to anyone who I feel I can. There are many posts that I read and then decide I won't reply to as I think there are others better equiped to help.

Salon Geek is a fab place and full of fab people, there is a weath of knowledge in and easy to access format. I say big congrats to those who started this website as you have made a wonderfull place for us to gather together, supporting each other and find the answers to all our questions. :Love:
You may find the following link an interesting read and if you search for 'abreviations' there are also a few more posts where people explain what lots of the abreviations on this site are all about .
Message Board Lingo - Page 2 - Salon Geek
thanks very much for the advise :biggrin:

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