Hi, I did the spray tan training a couple of years ago and did very little with it as I was getting loads and loads of overspray - and I mean room filling even when I turned down the pressure and the airflow on my gun - turns out after lots of reseach it was the gun so I have now changed the gun to one where you can alter the amount of solution released plus air flow and spray pattern but I'm still struggling to find the right balance of air & solution flow - I sprayed my sister last night but was struggling to see the guide colour (using sudo dark solution) and I totally missed parts of her - mostly her inner arms (massive white stripe), although her back, stomach and legs were lovely. I sprayed my daughter and turned the flow of solution and air up but got runs and spatters everywhere but she is a lovely lovely colour but a few dark stripes on her arms. Can anyone offer an easy way of being sure that I have the air and solution flows right and acheiving a good tan as I'm very very frustrated at the moment. I have read the tutorials on here - any advise would be much appreciated