Hello There Geeks,
I'm new to this site which I must say I love because of all the info given and shared. Here's my problem I am a beauty therapist and have been for nearly twenty years, most of that time I have been located in a sports centre which was run by the local council. A few years ago the building was leased out to a private contractor and their support to me is nil. Six months ago there was a leak in my room and some of the ceiling tiles fell down which they haven't yet replaced and they still haven't located the source of the leak. Which means every week there are more damp patches on the ceiling. Business has been very quiet this month and I don't know whether this is due to time of year of the state of my room. To make matters worse when I was at work yesterday there was a guy standing in reception giving out leaflets for another salon on the area! Do you think I should stay and keep pestering them to do something or go mobile. Sorry to go on so but I just feel completely confused.
Regards Andi.:cry:
I'm new to this site which I must say I love because of all the info given and shared. Here's my problem I am a beauty therapist and have been for nearly twenty years, most of that time I have been located in a sports centre which was run by the local council. A few years ago the building was leased out to a private contractor and their support to me is nil. Six months ago there was a leak in my room and some of the ceiling tiles fell down which they haven't yet replaced and they still haven't located the source of the leak. Which means every week there are more damp patches on the ceiling. Business has been very quiet this month and I don't know whether this is due to time of year of the state of my room. To make matters worse when I was at work yesterday there was a guy standing in reception giving out leaflets for another salon on the area! Do you think I should stay and keep pestering them to do something or go mobile. Sorry to go on so but I just feel completely confused.
Regards Andi.:cry: