perhaps I should
skip my personal reasons for this altogether for now
in the interests of brevity.
I am here because
I saw this post on here:
and I am in a very similar situation...?
It's not something that I find very easy to talk about so
before I go any further;
from the bottom of my heart, I would like to sincerely thank every single person who contributed to the body of messages I just linked to, and to this place to giving me an opportunity to hear your thoughts... really :'( it meant a great deal to my heart just to hear supportive, friendly people talking about this for a change... it was nice to hear people care <3
It's the first time I have ever seen or heard a group of people accept and appreciate a man for his long nails... when it comes to this, until now I have honestly, in my 32 years of life: never heard anything except for digust and derision. I really appreciate the passion you all show for your profession, and all the beautiful and varied colours you were able to represent as people here... thank you so much.
...I don't really know what else to say, except that
I am trying to come to terms with and accept who I am... and even if I can't find someone who can understand here, it will still help me to write this. So thank you for listening, to anyone who does <3
I am here to admit that I am someone who truly *loves*, in the literal sense of the word, having natural long nails. i have been told throughout my life that I am the wrong gender to feel this way, and maybe I am - maybe I am a little weird for wanting to have longer nails;
but I do. and for something (to me) that is so innocent, something that is a true joy for me and makes me love myself more somehow;
it makes me upset to think about sometimes,
and paranoid to be around other people... there is
not a lot of support or acceptance for a guy who is this way, at least, not at face value.
and that often makes me feel very very :'(
for the third time in my life, i have let my nails grow quite long indeed... i dream about keeping them for good. they're nowhere near the length of the OP's... but they are definitely longer than those of most ladies I know.
...i wish I could feel pride to tell you this
instead, it just makes me cry
i think my nails are beautiful when they are longer,
especially for a guy...?
it's hard to find acceptance for this,
even within myself though.
...thank you to all the people who replied to the link I included here, and showed me that :'( not everyone in the world will necessarily think i am a disgusting freak just for trying to be myself.
...i'm sorry to be a bit down.
thank you for listening;
if i have a point, then its
my nails mean a lot to me now. i know its probably silly and gross to most people :'( on one hand, I can't deny myself forever... on the other...
...i don't think I can live this way without some, any, kind of support in this area of my life... not forever. hence;
ultimately, i don't know if I can keep my nails long, despite how honestly fulfilling growing them is for me.
but in the short term, I am literally taking a long holiday just so I can finally enjoy this simply joy for myself, for once in my life -
i live on the east side of Australia? and
before I get home from
my holiday around it...
I would very much like to have my long nails done properly by a professional <3 <3
but i am scared. of funny looks,
and of judgmental people...
...i wonder if anyone here knows of
anyone anywhere at all that can
accept me the way that I am :'(
in any capacity.
a little would go a long way for me on this issue </3
sorry this has been such a sad note for me... would help a lot just to talk to some nice people who can share a simple love of beautiful long nails with me, regardless of gender :*(
and I hope one day that maybe even just one person will be as beautiful towards me as you all were to this gentlemen.
...thank you for listening.
i hope the reader can genuinely perceive how difficult this really is and has been for me ;(
I have all sorts of questions about this that
i would love ask a group of people...
but i will stop for now, in case I am not in the right space to offer this for discussion.
...I am troubled.
loving something just for what it is, as i do...
i feel like it shouldn't make me feel this lonely.
as silly as it may be...?
i can't even begin to tell you how it feels to finally have them, and how much I want to grow them even longer. i think my long nails are really nice. maybe even beautiful, perhaps :'
and i know that not everyone in life will necessarily agree?
but i don't think i'm anywhere near as disgusting
as I've been made to feel my whole life in this way
...can anyone understand?
in any case...
forgive me for reaching out here...
...any response or advice whatsoever is
truly appreciated <3
and thank you sincerely for listening.
<3 Ike
skip my personal reasons for this altogether for now
in the interests of brevity.
I am here because
I saw this post on here:
and I am in a very similar situation...?
It's not something that I find very easy to talk about so
before I go any further;
from the bottom of my heart, I would like to sincerely thank every single person who contributed to the body of messages I just linked to, and to this place to giving me an opportunity to hear your thoughts... really :'( it meant a great deal to my heart just to hear supportive, friendly people talking about this for a change... it was nice to hear people care <3
It's the first time I have ever seen or heard a group of people accept and appreciate a man for his long nails... when it comes to this, until now I have honestly, in my 32 years of life: never heard anything except for digust and derision. I really appreciate the passion you all show for your profession, and all the beautiful and varied colours you were able to represent as people here... thank you so much.
...I don't really know what else to say, except that
I am trying to come to terms with and accept who I am... and even if I can't find someone who can understand here, it will still help me to write this. So thank you for listening, to anyone who does <3
I am here to admit that I am someone who truly *loves*, in the literal sense of the word, having natural long nails. i have been told throughout my life that I am the wrong gender to feel this way, and maybe I am - maybe I am a little weird for wanting to have longer nails;
but I do. and for something (to me) that is so innocent, something that is a true joy for me and makes me love myself more somehow;
it makes me upset to think about sometimes,
and paranoid to be around other people... there is
not a lot of support or acceptance for a guy who is this way, at least, not at face value.
and that often makes me feel very very :'(
for the third time in my life, i have let my nails grow quite long indeed... i dream about keeping them for good. they're nowhere near the length of the OP's... but they are definitely longer than those of most ladies I know.
...i wish I could feel pride to tell you this
instead, it just makes me cry
i think my nails are beautiful when they are longer,
especially for a guy...?
it's hard to find acceptance for this,
even within myself though.
...thank you to all the people who replied to the link I included here, and showed me that :'( not everyone in the world will necessarily think i am a disgusting freak just for trying to be myself.
...i'm sorry to be a bit down.
thank you for listening;
if i have a point, then its
my nails mean a lot to me now. i know its probably silly and gross to most people :'( on one hand, I can't deny myself forever... on the other...
...i don't think I can live this way without some, any, kind of support in this area of my life... not forever. hence;
ultimately, i don't know if I can keep my nails long, despite how honestly fulfilling growing them is for me.
but in the short term, I am literally taking a long holiday just so I can finally enjoy this simply joy for myself, for once in my life -
i live on the east side of Australia? and
before I get home from
my holiday around it...
I would very much like to have my long nails done properly by a professional <3 <3
but i am scared. of funny looks,
and of judgmental people...
...i wonder if anyone here knows of
anyone anywhere at all that can
accept me the way that I am :'(
in any capacity.
a little would go a long way for me on this issue </3
sorry this has been such a sad note for me... would help a lot just to talk to some nice people who can share a simple love of beautiful long nails with me, regardless of gender :*(
and I hope one day that maybe even just one person will be as beautiful towards me as you all were to this gentlemen.
...thank you for listening.
i hope the reader can genuinely perceive how difficult this really is and has been for me ;(
I have all sorts of questions about this that
i would love ask a group of people...
but i will stop for now, in case I am not in the right space to offer this for discussion.
...I am troubled.
loving something just for what it is, as i do...
i feel like it shouldn't make me feel this lonely.
as silly as it may be...?
i can't even begin to tell you how it feels to finally have them, and how much I want to grow them even longer. i think my long nails are really nice. maybe even beautiful, perhaps :'
and i know that not everyone in life will necessarily agree?
but i don't think i'm anywhere near as disgusting
as I've been made to feel my whole life in this way
...can anyone understand?
in any case...
forgive me for reaching out here...
...any response or advice whatsoever is
truly appreciated <3
and thank you sincerely for listening.
<3 Ike