Full time and part time experienced stylists required for new salon opening mid December alongside a highly successfull well established beauty salon. The hair salon will be new to the area and will instantly cause a buzz as there is nothing quite like us in the area.
Experience and customer service skills are most important, to us the customer is king. We want our customers to leave the salon feeling as if they are the most important person in the world, relaxed from head to toe even if they just came in for a trim .
I will consider chair rental, income split or fully employed.
Interviews and trade tests to take place w/c December 8th.
Call Jacqui on 0773 8955830 or send me a PM
Experience and customer service skills are most important, to us the customer is king. We want our customers to leave the salon feeling as if they are the most important person in the world, relaxed from head to toe even if they just came in for a trim .
I will consider chair rental, income split or fully employed.
Interviews and trade tests to take place w/c December 8th.
Call Jacqui on 0773 8955830 or send me a PM