The best fast track course to hairdressing


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Mar 3, 2009
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I'm about to change career direction and want to get into hairdressing. I've been told it’s possible to do a fast-track beginners course in hairdressing rather than work as an apprentice for up to 2 years to become a stylist.
I've managed to find 3 courses:
1) Tony & Guy (30 weeks) for £ - price removed
2) Vidal Sassoon (30 weeks) for £ - price removed
3) Andrew Collinge (30 weeks) for £ - price removed
4) Are there any others?!

I am a bit shocked by the high costs of these courses and was wondering if anyone reading this might be able to give me any advice. Are these courses worth their price? Has anyone done these courses - what did you make of them? Are these courses more likely to get me employment than doing an apprenticeship?

I am currently unemployed and think I may be able to get help with funding. I just need to take the right route for my age to get into the industry in the quickest possible way that is also recognized by the industry so I can gain and sustain employment in the future.
Any advice would be greatly received.
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I'm about to change career direction and want to get into hairdressing. I've been told it’s possible to do a fast-track beginners course in hairdressing rather than work as an apprentice for up to 2 years to become a stylist.
I've managed to find 3 courses:
1) Tony & Guy (30 weeks) for £ - price removed
2) Vidal Sassoon (30 weeks) for £ - price removed
3) Andrew Collinge (30 weeks) for £ - price removed
4) Are there any others?!

I am a bit shocked by the high costs of these courses and was wondering if anyone reading this might be able to give me any advice. Are these courses worth their price? Has anyone done these courses - what did you make of them? Are these courses more likely to get me employment than doing an apprenticeship?

I am currently unemployed and think I may be able to get help with funding. I just need to take the right route for my age to get into the industry in the quickest possible way that is also recognized by the industry so I can gain and sustain employment in the future.
Any advice would be greatly received.

have you tried wella,lee stafford, be honest ive never done any of these courses im currently studying at college doing my level 2 hairdressing,i wouldnt advise you to rush things as it may look easy but theres a great deal to hairdressing id rather take the long route and know it all through a college as you would benefit more from it in my opinion through colleges i know you can apply for "Adult Learning Grant" if its your 1st NVQ level 2 or 3 i hope this helps in some way if you need any more advice just PM me and ill do my best to help :)
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Hi I did my NVQ2 Hairdressing over 18 months at college doing it over 12.5 hours a week, around 2.5 days a week. It cost £750 a year and now I think is around £1000, you will get it for nothing if you are signed on at the JSA.
not sure if theres anything like this you could get to but theres a training centre in barnsley called take 2 training they have a website if you search it.
the course is 40 weeks -NVQ level 2 and you do one full day at the centre a week it costs around £1050
my firned is on this and thinks its great im thinking of it myself next year....:idea:
have you tried wella,lee stafford, be honest ive never done any of these courses im currently studying at college doing my level 2 hairdressing,i wouldnt advise you to rush things as it may look easy but theres a great deal to hairdressing id rather take the long route and know it all through a college as you would benefit more from it in my opinion through colleges i know you can apply for "Adult Learning Grant" if its your 1st NVQ level 2 or 3 i hope this helps in some way if you need any more advice just PM me and ill do my best to help :)

My partner is a hairdresser and say's I shouldn't need to know everything the collage offers. She does recommend that whatever I do, I make sure it’s recognised by the industry. She thought a Vidal Sassoon course full time might be better but I can't seem to find any courses outside of a standard collage that would condense the full course down a bit. I don't really want to do NVQ 1, 2 and 3 and take 3 years to learn and then spend 2 years as an apprentice on the shop floor. 5 Years is too long.
Given enough money and time there must be something I can do. You see, most collage courses are 2 or 3 days a week. I would prefer to do 5 days a week full time or something and maybe do a condensed course if possible that could cut out some of the unnecessary stuff that a collage might offer.:rolleyes:
Hi I did my NVQ2 Hairdressing over 18 months at college doing it over 12.5 hours a week, around 2.5 days a week. It cost £750 a year and now I think is around £1000, you will get it for nothing if you are signed on at the JSA.

Is this all you needed? Just the NVQ level 2 on its own? Is this ok for the industry? How little can someone get away with?
I thought you could only do level 2 after you show you have level 1. Am I missing something here?:!:
not sure if theres anything like this you could get to but theres a training centre in barnsley called take 2 training they have a website if you search it.
the course is 40 weeks -NVQ level 2 and you do one full day at the centre a week it costs around £1050
my firned is on this and thinks its great im thinking of it myself next year....:idea:

Thanks for that.
Take 2 Training - Hair and Beauty Courses.
Shame I can't find something like this in Reading.
Saks have fast track hair courses I almost did one a few years ago google saks academy

The barber at our salon recently did his course at this academy in london

Alan d Hairdressing - Ladies hairdressing and barbering courses - educational dvds - Ladies hairdressing - Barbering

They also do nvqs I think.

Well this looks good too but is it recognised by the industry? Or is it a course to update skills for those who are already stylists?
Im looking for courses for the total begginer through to stylist in the shortest possible time that is also recognised by the industry.
In other words... I want the skills I could gain from collage but in a much shorter time. Im trying to find the fastest way to becomming a hairdresser.
No I did not need to do NVQ1 first, that is your entry to NVQ2 and as I was an adult learner at the age of 27 when I started it, it was an adult learners course. People normally only do NVQ1 if straight from school, infact my college did a day for school pupils to come in 1 day out of school (14/15 YO). If your older you wont need NVQ1 as it covers shampoos and you do that in NVQ2, well I did anyway.

Im pretty sure NVQ1 is a foundation type course where if your GCSE grades were below Cs and Ds, then that enters you to the NVQ2, but when your over about 19 they dont require entry grades.
No I did not need to do NVQ1 first, that is your entry to NVQ2 and as I was an adult learner at the age of 27 when I started it, it was an adult learners course. People normally only do NVQ1 if straight from school, infact my college did a day for school pupils to come in 1 day out of school (14/15 YO). If your older you wont need NVQ1 as it covers shampoos and you do that in NVQ2, well I did anyway.

Im pretty sure NVQ1 is a foundation type course where if your GCSE grades were below Cs and Ds, then that enters you to the NVQ2, but when your over about 19 they dont require entry grades.

Ha ha!! Brilliant news! thanks for that. I wasn't sure but you just saved at least a year of training. Mind you, some NVQ level 2's are a two year course anyway.
Thanks for that.:green:

I also got this reply....

Hi Tony

Thank you for your enquiry for the fast track Hairdressing courses here at the Saks Darlington Academy.

I am pleased to advise that we offer full time & part time courses as follows:

Full Time
27th April – 22nd October 09 – 26 weeks – Cost is £7,000
2nd November – 13th May 2010 – 26 weeks – Cost is £7,000

Part Time
27th May 09 – 26 May 2010 – 12 Months, one night per week – Cost is £4,500
13th October 09 – 12th October 2010- 12 Months, one night per week – Cost is £4,500

To get onto any of the courses a 20% deposit is required and the balance of the payment can be split over the course dates: ie evening course £900 deposit & 12 monthly payments of £300 per month.

Regarding funding, there is something called a Career Development Loan which you can find out about, on Barclays 0800 400 100, this is like a student loan which allows you to pay back after you have finished your course and get into work.

If you would like to make an appointment to view the academy or discuss this further then do give me a call on 01325 341614.

Kind regards

Linda Baker
Academy Assistant Manager

Saks-officially acknowledged as the uk's best training provider
(awarded all grade ones in 2006, by the Adult Learning Inspectorate, for providing outstanding training)
Your welcome and good luck with what you choose. Let us know!!
Hi Tony

I have a friend who recently studied in Basingstoke, which I do believe is closeby to you

She has just completed her hairdressing nvq level 2 at college in less that 1 year as she had alot of prior knowledge so she was able to get through her practical assessments very quickly

I do alot of makeup shoots for Vidal Sassoon and their hairdressing skills are just amazing, its seems to be a very prestigious and great place to train

if you are unemployed and claiming benefits you should be able to claim concessionary tuition fees

good luck with everything
if you are unemployed and claiming benefits you should be able to claim concessionary tuition fees

Well, I have enrolled at my local collage (Reading TVU) for a full time apprenticeship course.
Hairdressing Apprenticeship 5HDHAFA01R :: TVU Courses
My questions now are about grants and benefits.
Not sure what the “concessionary tuition fees” are about but will look into them.
Does anyone else know about grants? I know I’m going to need to buy all sorts of equipment for the course.
Well, I have enrolled at my local collage (Reading TVU) for a full time apprenticeship course.
Hairdressing Apprenticeship 5HDHAFA01R :: TVU Courses
My questions now are about grants and benefits.
Not sure what the “concessionary tuition fees” are about but will look into them.
Does anyone else know about grants? I know I’m going to need to buy all sorts of equipment for the course.

Just ask at the college funding fees and finance section at reception ,

They may know about purchasing equipment ect ,
or they may know of trusts that can help you fund your equipment

usually though they just help with questions on course funding
They will ask if you are unemployed ir not,
you will need to provide some proof of of your financial situation ,
they will let you know what proof they need ,

then they will let you know how much you will have to pay in fees ect
or if it is a governmet funded course ,
taking into account your age and financial situation ect ,

hope that made sense :)
Hi Tony

You can do the Adult fast track NVQ Level 2 at Darlington College.

It will cost you about £1400 all inc. and it's 36 weeks..the next batch will start in September.

I am on the current one, you don't need level 1 to do your level 2.

Any questions send me a message!
Hi Tony,

I have done the fastrack 7 month course from the sassoon academy london. I would not recommend anyone to go to that school and pay that kind of amount. I later found out that you can actually get enrolled in a good local college for the NVQ2 qualification of the city and guilds, and also work part time in a salon. In this way you can also make some money and you will also learn.

to be honest, everyone, has their own learning speed and capacity, how well you do will only depend on yourself.

I hope this helps.


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