I am mobile and do nails part-time, I have another job which I hope I can leave when I have more regular clients. Although I did the Bio gel assessment a while a ago Istill never feel happy with the end result, but no-one as complained but not returned. Someone I work with as asked me to put french gel on her nails in 6 weeks for her hols. Her nails keep flaking and breaking so have suggested on just having clear overlay on them to protect them till they grow. Am doing this next week do you think a base with clear gel and a couple of layers of s-gel will be enough. Also when I gel a white tip I dont think I get it quite right, either thicker with a ridge or the tip as dimples, would just like some ideas to improve. I know I need to build my confidence and get out there I think this is the reason I have just kept to family and friends, not advertised yet.