Thanks very much everyone again :hug:
I don't know if I have beaten it...but lets just say I am in control of my trichotillomania rather than it being in control of me!!!!
Although I know as hair people you cannot know everything and obviously you cannot play psychologists/psychotherapists etc....
I just think if more hairdressers had knowledge of tricho like Minky says....then it would go some way to helping those of us who have it...( well scalp pullers anyway ).
I looked for many ways to be beat tricho....hypnotherapy, drugs, counselling etc...
but ultimately I knew what I was doing and why I was doing it...all I wanted to do was break the cycle and control the impulses....
One thing everyone with tricho probably has is low self esteem....lets face it, it is an extremely embarrassing problem. We are doing it to ourselves...why can't we just not do it????
I had no hair so I was wearing hats and scarves etc. Ok in winter...not so great in Summer.
I had hit rock bottom and all I wanted was hair. I would deal with the problem later....I wanted HAIR!!!
So after great searching I found two places that looked like they could help me.
I won't name them....ask me should you want to know but one has been mentioned :wink2:
One of the places was very flash and very expensive and had some bad reviews ( I found out later ). I contacted them and they sounded nice...but couldn't give me an appointment until I had at least two inches of hair.
Bearing in mind I had a sparse covering of about a quarter inch if that.
They said grow it and get back to them
DUH!!!! If I could do that would I need them in the first place?
Second place....had a basic but very informative website.
Lots cheaper...I mean a lot! and I had a lovely email relationship with the owner of the salon. Showed her pictures....and provided I could keep the hair I had she could see me as soon as I could get flights to the UK.
I opted for the second option.
I had wefts of human hair 'stuck' to my hair/scalp.
For the top I had a plate? of hair that formed the fringe and top part of hair with a natural looking parting that showed the 'scalp' of the plate...( can't think of the proper name).
I have photo's but I had long, very thick, wavy natural looking hair and I had my self esteem back.
I could reach my scalp....but I didn't.
I felt good, I looked good and I didn't want to waste the £400 it had cost me.
I did fiddle with the 'wefts' and pulled out some of the hair ( the ones that felt different ), but because it wasn't coming from my scalp I got no feeling from it....therefore no satisfaction.
It did drive me bonkers for about 2 weeks...the itching drove me crazy...but it looked good so I put up with it.
After a couple of weeks a few rows of wefts came out ( I'd had extra put in to compensate for any loss of wefts ) and this felt better and lighter.
I'd been given a pot of weft adhesive to re-stick any loose ones.
This lasted for 7 weeks before I decided to remove the wefts. Ok it should have been done back in the UK at the salon....but I did it myself.
It was easy to do as they were pretty loose and I did it under a very hot shower. I perhaps lost a few of my own hairs but nothing noticeable...
What a relief!!!!!!
I had hair. It was like a close crop of very, very dark hair but there were no patches and it was thick.
I was so be free from the 'wig' and with hair.
From that day I haven't pulled one single fact
I am obsessed with not pulling it if that makes sense.
It is now thick and full and about 3 inches long.
I was told due to me not having tricho for long I wouldn't have done any damage.
Minky~ I agree with everything you have said....
and there is a niche in the market to deal with this....
there are many reasons for hair loss....but I think I can say that trichotillomania is the most embarrassing reason as we do it to ourselves.
Most people who knew what I had thought I was crazy....even called a freak :cry:
Plus for me personally I found it worse because I looked like I'd had chemotherapy...and yet I was perfectly well...
The amount of people who would ask my hubby if I was okay....
So thats a little bit of my story....
but it was a special hairdresser who helped me...someone who realised there was a need to help people with trichotillomania...and who understood the need to help them get a little bit of their self esteem back...
Thanks Minky for the