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Mrs Geek

Sweet Heart
Premium Geek
Jan 11, 2003
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Dirty Den kicks some serious ass!!! I'm so glad he's back :oops: ;) :rolleyes: Sorry guys but had to vent - the man IS Eastenders!!! The voice is legendary!!

OK, OK yes I am a fan and I hope Phil Mitchel gets his butt royally kicked! :shock:
you r soooooooooooo right!
me thinks you've been reading those gangster books again :shock: 8)
lol liza xx
mrs geek

DIRTY DEN is back how pleased am i can't miss an episode now watch out phill mitchell your days are numbered :ack: :gun: :hic: :arg: :hit: :frust: :cus:
I cant believe i lost track of time reading all the latest posts and missed bellenders!! :evil: well it just proves how great this site is. :D

crazy'n'creative said:
mrs geekDIRTY DEN is back how pleased am i can't miss an episode now watch out phill mitchell your days are numbered :ack: :gun: :hic: :arg: :hit: :frust: :cus:

Hysterical - all the avatars are Phil & Den - classic
liza smith said:
you r soooooooooooo right!
me thinks you've been reading those gangster books again :shock: 8)
lol liza xx

who :?: :?: :?: :?: Moi :!: :!: :!: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Nutters...You're all ka-chinging NUTTERS!!!

Think I was too young to remember the days of Dirty Den :oops: :rolleyes: :oops: :oops: :oops: :rolleyes: ;)


ps: And haa-haa Phil bought Kate a shop to set up a nail salon!!
I agree with you all especially Mrs Geek........ Dirty Den is Eastenders!!!!

As good as this site is I had to log out to watch it and then log back on!! :ack:

Keep up the good work!!
LayStar said:
Think I was too young to remember the days of Dirty Den :oops: :rolleyes: :oops: :oops: :oops: :rolleyes:

Ahhh Layla - you missed out there gal...I watched the very 1st one during either O'levels or A'levels - can't remember now :shock: :oops:

ps: And haa-haa Phil bought Kate a shop to set up a nail salon!!

yes - better get some CND posters and stuff for promo in that!! Will get Belle on to it tomorrow!!! :tongue:
I remember Dirty Den, I am so glad he's back!

He has some classic lines! But how sad is Pat Butcher! :D :D Her flirting is embarrising! :oops: :oops:

Me and my Mum are so sad that we were clapping when Den stood up to Phil and cheering! :rofl: :rofl:

It is only a matter of time Phil :bomb:, prepare to get ur ass kicked royally! :king:

:queen: Vic
i was a bit iffy about his return, you know how i mean, like things can never be the same or as good as they were when he was in it years ago but his last few lines in the episode tonight and that certain little grin that he has just made me realise that there is life in the old dog yet :D ....the old dirty den that we know and love is back and hopefully he will kick phil mitchells ass into touch :D :D :D
hey Girls

l totally agree with ya, l remember when he was first on the box and he still has a sexy voice. when he and phil faced each other l was shouting go on den nut em, kick is ass an make em scream :twisted: mind you since he has come back i've needed a box of tissues got very emotional. and poor Dennis. any one noticed how vickies accent has totally disappeared?
LayStar said:
Think I was too young to remember the days of Dirty Den :oops: :rolleyes: :oops: :oops: :oops: :rolleyes: ;)

When 'enders first started all them years ago I was at school - Catholic convent boarding school. The nuns would not let us watch it as they said it caused AIDS! Still haven't figured that one out???????? :?:
Big Den will fit back in real nice :D My partner never used to watch it b4 he met me....now he almost lives in the street :shock:
I must admit I am getting a bit of a thing about little Den he is just so cute cant wait till him and pappa go kick some bootie lol.
And yep my daughter told me that Vickies acent has gone :? (I cant tell with the sub titles lol)
Take care Dawnie
I'm watching too now Dirty Den is back!!! :D

AND I'll be watchig even closer now to see if I can spot Creative posters in Kate's nail bar!!! :D :D :D

I'm with you Dawnie, Young Dennis is gorgeous! tongue

As for Vickie, I just wish she would talk normally as she does in real life, the (bad) American accent has gone, but she still seems to talk rather strangely.

As for Den and Phil, would 2 men really behave like that? Who cares ay? It's great entertainment lol

Should be an interesting story line about the nail salon, let's just hope it leads to more business for us all thumbsup

Keep smiling
Sue x
cor blimey Dennis jr is soooooooooooo sexy...

Hope Big Den sorts out Phil Mitchell!!!!
Little Dennis - I just want to cuddle him - he is sooo scrummy. As we used to say in my days in the Royal Navy - "He'd get it"!
Blimey Ella that is one way of putting it :D :D

my eyebrows are still in my hairline :D

mind you it was steve owens eyes that did it for me :D
Yeah i will be watching now Den is back. Who remembers ANGIE!!!!!!!! :hic:
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