Hellooooo!!! I'm a mobile nail tech with a 20 month old and a part time job. I've found that due to the current financial crisis a lot of clients blow hot and cold on the nail front so have found that by keeping my part time job I'm maintaining my 'bread and butter' while earning 'pocket money' on the side. I have clients that I go to and also clients that can come to me which is ideal when you have kids to consider. I found that when I came to thinking about what to charge I did some homework and found out what local places were charging for nail treatments and undercut them by around £5 so that I was more appealing. Although a good reputation gets you far most people will be drawn in by a bargain! I charge £25 for extensions, £15 for infills, £12 for manicures and £15 for pedicures. I also offer nail gems/art as an extra charge normally between £2 - £10 extra depending on how complex it is. I also re-book as many clients as I can at the end of their treatment and give a quick call to confirm the week of the next appointment. I've also got loyalty cards which I stamp everytime they receive a treatment and after 5 visits they get a freebie which can be anything from some nail gems or a nail file/buffer, etc. I also offer discounts for groups of 2 or more eg 10% off each.
Its worth doing but I could recommend you keep your part time job until you are well established and know what your are looking at with regard to an income! I work part time weds, thurs, fridays and do nails on the weekend and evenings. Lets just say I pay my bills and mortgage and any extra is for me (normally for shoes hehehe!)
Good luck in whatever you decide :wink2: