airbrush art question...


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Feb 1, 2005
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orlando, florida
:rolleyes: i have just bought my first airbrush, an iwata eclipse. i have never used an airbrush for nail art. i have never seen anyone use an airbrush for nail art. and since i don't know any other nail techs in my area i am coming to you for advice on airbrush nail art. so please any help will be greatly appreciated.

1. does any one know of any airbrush classes in the orlando, florida area?
2. is there a GOOD / INFORMATIVE dvd instructional out there?
3. what paints do you recommend?
4. where is a good source for stencils?
5. how do you keep the clients skin clean of paint? or how do you get the paint off the clients skin?
6. and are there any tips / secrets / tricks that i should know?

once again, thanks in advanced.


have a look at they do an airbrush home learn course but I think that you can buy the training dvd separetely they also sell stencils and paints etc..hth
michaeldees said:
:rolleyes: i have just bought my first airbrush, an iwata eclipse. i have never used an airbrush for nail art. i have never seen anyone use an airbrush for nail art. and since i don't know any other nail techs in my area i am coming to you for advice on airbrush nail art. so please any help will be greatly appreciated.

1. does any one know of any airbrush classes in the orlando, florida area?
2. is there a GOOD / INFORMATIVE dvd instructional out there?
3. what paints do you recommend?
4. where is a good source for stencils?
5. how do you keep the clients skin clean of paint? or how do you get the paint off the clients skin?
6. and are there any tips / secrets / tricks that i should know?

once again, thanks in advanced.


Check Iwatas website, they also do paints for airbrushing nails and stencils.
If you do a search on the web for airbrushed nail art, you will bring up all sorts of info. There are places like BearAir, Dixie Art Supplies etc. I think they're American based.

You can't help but get a little bit of paint on the clients skin, but it is really easy to get of with soap and water and maybe a soft toothbrush, but only when the topcoat of clear nail polish is dry.
I have been airbrushing nails for a while. I always use a airbrush sealer after applying polish, then the top coat. does anyone go straight to the top coat. If so does that not drag the design??

i have also heard that Essential Nails is a very good course from home!

thanks for you help everyone! i will check out your suggestions!:wink2:
Airbaby said:
I have been airbrushing nails for a while. I always use a airbrush sealer after applying polish, then the top coat. does anyone go straight to the top coat. If so does that not drag the design??

i have also heard that Essential Nails is a very good course from home!


Nearly 6 years ago, when I first looked into airbrushing nails, I had to import my stuff from the States (I live in New Zealand, we had nothing down here at that time). I brought Too Much Fun. Have the complete system.
Anyway after much experimenting, I have found Creative Sticky basecoat, airbrush paint(schmincke aerocolour pro), Creative Super Shiny, then Creative Speedy or EZFlow UV30. I don't have a problem, unless I use too much pressure with my polish application. Some times I just use the EZFlow UV30 over the paint.:D

Hi. I recently posted a similar question to yours regarding books and videos on airbrushing. I was recommended to buy Elizabeth Anthony guide to airbrushing (which i ordered off amazon) and a video called essential nails airbrushing.
Hope this helps
michaeldees said:
:rolleyes: i have just bought my first airbrush, an iwata eclipse. i have never used an airbrush for nail art. i have never seen anyone use an airbrush for nail art. and since i don't know any other nail techs in my area i am coming to you for advice on airbrush nail art. so please any help will be greatly appreciated.

1. does any one know of any airbrush classes in the orlando, florida area?
2. is there a GOOD / INFORMATIVE dvd instructional out there?
3. what paints do you recommend?
4. where is a good source for stencils?
5. how do you keep the clients skin clean of paint? or how do you get the paint off the clients skin?
6. and are there any tips / secrets / tricks that i should know?

once again, thanks in advanced.


There are classes held in Florida in Orange County I do beleive but I checked this information years ago I think it was held by the airbrush Guru who works on teh beach (apologies for being vague - do a search) This guy basically works on the beach airbrushing all day long he's brilliant - and local!

I reccomend Iwata-Medea they are the best, also there paints are thin, easy to work with and have a great colour range.

Elizabeth Anthony has the best DVD/VHS & books in my opinion, there are many in the US but alot of airbrush peep also specialize in other mediums (cars, painting etc) EA is famous for not stocking a bottle of polish -she airbrushed only!

Get stencils from anywhere - and I mean anywhere (even make your own!) if you look after your things then it doesnt matter if it cost you a dollar or ten they are all the same. are on Sunrise head there they have scores of stencils.

When you learn how to control your airbrush you will spray only where you intended it to go and will find you have little clean up, water takes off the paint - use a cotton bud. You can let your client go home with the overspay on if they are likely to ruin the topcoat.

Tips - spray dry! build up colour gradually rather than blasting it on, Aim like I said for the intended place only, only use a few drops of paint. It is easier to put paint in then get it out, clean your gun to within an inch of its life and it will never let you down..........and have fun!:D

Hope this helps


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