Big Uni near me would love to get in any of you know how ?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Hi all Im new to an area and have rented a room in a gym, there is a big uni near me and I went to the reception and about putting up posters, she told me I need each department permission and if I wen to hall of residents I need permission. Now I have sent out emails introducing myself but had no response. Any of you had luck with a uni ?? if so how did you do it, am I making the wrong approach ?
When was it you contacted them?

They might be away for summer holidays so may have to wait until the start of September, or end of August perhaps.....

If it was before they closed for summer they may have been marking etc. Good idea, keep at them, they could be back soon, preparing for the new year.

Good luck.
Hey which uni is it? Ask if you can have a stall at freshers in sept if you can and stick up posters in the student union :) hth x
I would contact the Student's Union, they would be the ones to tell you the best way of getting to the students. Only problem is that students are traditionally broke so this may not be your best use of time and effort.:D
I think it depends what you offer. Defo contact student union. In my experience the girls would pay to get their nails done even if they were broke, and waxing. Hope that helps you x
Buckingham is a private uni, their degree programs are two years and it's not your typical broke student that goes there.

You may have more luck towards the end of August when lecturers etc all start back. Also do you know of other typical student haunts?
I would contact the Student's Union, they would be the ones to tell you the best way of getting to the students. Only problem is that students are traditionally broke so this may not be your best use of time and effort.:D

Sorry, but would disagree slightly on the broke student quote. My daughter is at Loughborough Uni, and they actually have a salon ON CAMPUS! Yes, a lot of students are broke, but others have plenty of disposable income.

The idea of contacting the students union is a great idea, esp if you can get in there during freshers weeks.
My fellas the security at the halls of residence in leeds uni so abit of ooops how did that leaflet get through that door and iv had plenty of business from it,even the boys are after tans these days xx

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look up the student reps on facebook... they may have a group on there and you could ask a rep for the halls who you need to speak to. I used to be rep for my halls and got requests for all sorts of things and was always happy to point them in the right direction :cool:

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