bio oil


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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
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hi i have a question for you skin geeks i have some red streach marks on the tops of my legs will the bio oil (i think thats what its called its on the tv and people use it when there pregnant)improve them possiable get rid of them cause iv heard its good has any one every used it thanks guys
I have used it although not religiously!!!
It didnt do anything for me and I found it very greasy-couldnt put clothes on straight afterwards.
Hope this helps
I've never actually used it myself, but I'm told it is very effective by ppl who have. :)
I have scars and its worked wonders on me sweetie x
Ooh maybe I should use it religiously.
Thanks all
Good thread by the way.
I have used it religiously for 1yr and a half! I used it on scars after havin an operation and it has helped them fade..... I also used it whilst pregnant and found that it has dun NOTHING on my stretch marks!!! I would recommend it 4 use on scars but personally think Palmers Coco butter is alot better 4 stretch marks! and cheaper!!
thank u all. hummmm i think il give it a go and the coco butter i asume there stretch marks but there red can strech marks be red
They are a pinky-reddy colour than turn silvery-white over time.
i have used it on two scars from an op i had.used it for 3 months everyday it did wonders can't even see them now.

i think it may work on some but not on.
i also love palmers coco butter use it everyday! i've heard it's really good on stretchmarks.
Bio Oil is amazing stuff. I used it during pregancy, with a 9lb 11.5oz baby and had not one stretch mark!

I used it on my cesarean scar (she was too big to come out the proper way....and got stuck!!) and that is now practically gone - it certainly has no colour at all, just a little ripple on the skin, and my daughter has subsequently had to have major abdominal surgery....right from one side of her body to the other. She was operated on by the countries most prominant pediatric surgeon and he suggested Bio Oil.....her scar, after 7 months has pretty much completely disappeared.

It is fantastic stuff....ooh and I use it as a night cream...and my skin has never been better.
thank you all for ur replys im defo going to get myself some bio oil and coco butter thanks again let you all know what happens
This stuff is fab...

I used it religiously for about 6 month on stretch marks and scars and they are all hardly noticeable...

I had a bust reduction about 3 year ago and the scars have faded that much with bio oil i dare go topless on holiday (a bit much info i know) but you cant even see them.

Where can you get it from? Need it now!!! Does it really work as a facial moisturiser? Do you think it would work on hate to say it but mature skin, (much as try to convince myself I'm in the flush of youth my husband insists on reminding me it's the flushes of change!!!!!!!)
Boots or superdrug sell it.

I used it on my face and it did take away any imperfections i had but after a while i was getting spots off it, but i was using it day and night.
Hi, you can also get it in Tesco's.
It's a heck of site cheaper online than in any of the shops.....


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