Brazilian Wax Company, Manchester


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Feb 10, 2013
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north west uk
Has any one worked here before or been to one of their interviews?
What was it like?

any info appreciated. thanks geeks
Hi, I used to work with someone who worked there. She said it was really hard work wax after wax and they aren't to hot on lunch breaks either. Can't speak from personal experience just what a colleague has said.
Hope that helps
I've heard mixed reviews. I went to an interview there a few years ago and it was a long winded process because you did a personality test on paper and then had to return for an interview if successful.

They seemed nice enough. I had to turn down the offer of a job because the shifts were four hours only per day which wouldn't have been enough earnings against the cost of getting into Manchester city centre five times a week (it was 5 x 4hour shifts per week).

In terms of experience i think they look like a good company to work for because they are heard of and it must be a good way to get your waxing speed and technique up.

They seem to be always recruiting and wording their ads in a way that makes them sound very keen to recruit so you could read into that as they are expanding or that people leave frequently.

I've heard someone on here post that they didn't keep her on after a few days because she didn't fit in with what was a bit of a clique but I don't know anymore than that.

Their reviews on the Internet are worth a read.

I would apply. It looks like a good way to get your waxing down to an art and if it's not for you you've got nothing to lose.

Let us know how you get on :)
I looked into applying to work for them a few years back when I used to live in Manchester. They alwayssss seemed to be advertising for staff, alarm bells went off for me personally! X
Thanks for the replies.

Yeah I was looking at an add they have at the mo which looks like a really good job.

I applied to them about a year ago, but then couldn't do the interview and when I spoke to the guy he said not to worry because people always leave and I could apply again in the future. thats why I was a bit curious.

I could probably live with no lunch , but the clique thing sounds a bit worrying lol!

I thought it was weird they ask for a picture on the form aswel, maybe that means they look for a certain look. not sure

Ill apply anyway , see what happens.

Thanks guys
Aww just phoned to ask if they accept staff for just Saturday jobs but they said you have to do set hours. Id quite enjoy doing it for one day per week but anymore than that and it's a bit of a timely and costly trek into the centre of Manchester if you don't already live there or very close by :( they said it's because they give you so much ongoing training that you need to do set hours.

A good opportunity by the sound of it but as when I last applied it sounds like part time hours across more days wouldn't make it a viable option for me unless i was mega keen on just the experience alone.
I went for an interview a month or two back, they said i would have to work a full week unpaid and could be unsuccessful after the end of the week, so basically they want staff for a week and not pay them a dime.

They also said you work around areas, so for 6 months you could be reception, 6 months again nails, 6 months again waxing until all areas are done.

You also have to attend training which takes alreast a month to complete, which again is also unpaid.

They text me last week actually offering me the job again if i was still interested so i told them to take me of the books unless they would guarantee me a job and money at the end of it x
I went for an interview a month or two back, they said i would have to work a full week unpaid and could be unsuccessful after the end of the week, so basically they want staff for a week and not pay them a dime.

They also said you work around areas, so for 6 months you could be reception, 6 months again nails, 6 months again waxing until all areas are done.

You also have to attend training which takes alreast a month to complete, which again is also unpaid.

They text me last week actually offering me the job again if i was still interested so i told them to take me of the books unless they would guarantee me a job and money at the end of it x

That's so disappointing to hear. sounds a bit dodgy to me which is a real shame considering the company looks reputable and gets good reviews.

I'm disappointed to hear that because I am preparing/setting up to go self employed after being in spas for a few years and would quite enjoy a bit of a part time change working for a waxing only salon but I don't think it will be this one.

With regards to other waxing jobs in the North West, the only other ones I know of are Strictly Waxing in North Manchester and Strip Wax bar in Liverpool. If anyone knows of anymore let us know :)
I went for an interview a month or two back, they said i would have to work a full week unpaid and could be unsuccessful after the end of the week, so basically they want staff for a week and not pay them a dime.

They also said you work around areas, so for 6 months you could be reception, 6 months again nails, 6 months again waxing until all areas are done.

You also have to attend training which takes alreast a month to complete, which again is also unpaid.

They text me last week actually offering me the job again if i was still interested so i told them to take me of the books unless they would guarantee me a job and money at the end of it x

It also sounds like (from what you say) they've got a touch of the "you should be honoured to be working for us" as if that's a justification for messing you about and getting you to work unpaid. Too many companies suffer from this mentality in my experience.

sounds a bit suspect.
I mean in all honesty Im so desperate for experience Id probably do the free work if it was nearer/ didn't cost a lot to get there.
couldn't be traveling for a month for free thou ... ah wat a shame looked like such a good job.

thanks for the info

sounds a bit suspect.
I mean in all honesty Im so desperate for experience Id probably do the free work if it was nearer/ didn't cost a lot to get there.
couldn't be traveling for a month for free thou ... ah wat a shame looked like such a good job.

thanks for the info

Total empathy. I can imagine this job isn't financially viable for a lot of people because it costs a lot to live near the city centre and it costs a lot to get into it from outside of it.
Definitely apply to some spas if you can. ..this proved to be a good foot in the door for me.
I know of Strictly Waxing. They are in Radcliffe. They are well known and have a very good reputation. Very busy, you definately have to book for an appointment.
Hey guys. Its my first post on here so bare with me.

Its not often theres such confusion on actually being employed by Brazilian waxing company but maybe i can clear some misconceptions up. I actually work for them and have been through their interviews, the "unpaid work", the training, and finally being let loose on customers. So i have first hand experience. Ive been working there for 6 months now.

Ill start from the beginning so i can help other therapist in the same position as i was 6 months ago. This post might be a bit long so apologies in advance :(

Attending the interview was simple enough. Turned up, was interviewed one on one and told about the job and what was involved. Including what the "unpaid" thing was all about and what was expected of me. A week or so after the interview i was told i had got the job and i was to start my "trial period" in the coming week.

The trial period was the only "unpaid" bit of my whole experience whilst working here but hopefully i can tell you guys whats involved. Basically the trial period lasted for two weeks. When i started my trial, there were 3 other girls which started with me. They don't pay you a wage as such for the trial but they did give us all money for lunch and also our transport.

Looking back on the trial now i can see why most girls don't pass it. When i was there, 2 of the girls that started with me were sent home within 2 days. And in all honesty, they weren't very nice girls. One came across as a bit of bully and the other turned up late in the morning. I get it. And i probably would have quit anyway if that bully girl ended up getting a job here. I didn't see it at the time, but now working here for 6 months, i see why they are so particular with who they let in. All the girls i work with are amazing and so nice. No one bitches, no one backtalks, we actually all get on so well.

So anyway, within two days there was only two of us left. I suppose if they wanted to get free work from us then they wouldn't have sacked the two girls. I don't think the unpaid trial weeks are to get free work anyway, i think its to see which girls will fit in and which won't. And i for one, agree with that as i don't want to come to work and see nasty people. I want to enjoy my work and want to make good nice friends.

After the trial period, me and the other girl made it though till the end and were offered a full time job with them. We both took it and our officially training began. We were both put into the waxing role. Long story short, the training is intense. We both had our ups and downs but in the end, i think we both agreed that it was well worth it.

6 months in, i am about to start my new reception training as i managed to get to grips with the waxing very quickly. Now this might sound like a biased review because i work here but in all honesty, working here is probably been the most organised and well worth beauty job i have personally come across.

If you ever get a chance to work or get a place on the trial period, take it. Its not for everyone, but if you want to work in beauty and are willing to put that extra bit in, then i can see this place being for you. It was for me.
Hey guys. Its my first post on here so bare with me.

Its not often theres such confusion on actually being employed by Brazilian waxing company but maybe i can clear some misconceptions up. I actually work for them and have been through their interviews, the "unpaid work", the training, and finally being let loose on customers. So i have first hand experience. Ive been working there for 6 months now.

Ill start from the beginning so i can help other therapist in the same position as i was 6 months ago. This post might be a bit long so apologies in advance :(

Attending the interview was simple enough. Turned up, was interviewed one on one and told about the job and what was involved. Including what the "unpaid" thing was all about and what was expected of me. A week or so after the interview i was told i had got the job and i was to start my "trial period" in the coming week.

The trial period was the only "unpaid" bit of my whole experience whilst working here but hopefully i can tell you guys whats involved. Basically the trial period lasted for two weeks. When i started my trial, there were 3 other girls which started with me. They don't pay you a wage as such for the trial but they did give us all money for lunch and also our transport.

Looking back on the trial now i can see why most girls don't pass it. When i was there, 2 of the girls that started with me were sent home within 2 days. And in all honesty, they weren't very nice girls. One came across as a bit of bully and the other turned up late in the morning. I get it. And i probably would have quit anyway if that bully girl ended up getting a job here. I didn't see it at the time, but now working here for 6 months, i see why they are so particular with who they let in. All the girls i work with are amazing and so nice. No one bitches, no one backtalks, we actually all get on so well.

So anyway, within two days there was only two of us left. I suppose if they wanted to get free work from us then they wouldn't have sacked the two girls. I don't think the unpaid trial weeks are to get free work anyway, i think its to see which girls will fit in and which won't. And i for one, agree with that as i don't want to come to work and see nasty people. I want to enjoy my work and want to make good nice friends.

After the trial period, me and the other girl made it though till the end and were offered a full time job with them. We both took it and our officially training began. We were both put into the waxing role. Long story short, the training is intense. We both had our ups and downs but in the end, i think we both agreed that it was well worth it.

6 months in, i am about to start my new reception training as i managed to get to grips with the waxing very quickly. Now this might sound like a biased review because i work here but in all honesty, working here is probably been the most organised and well worth beauty job i have personally come across.

If you ever get a chance to work or get a place on the trial period, take it. Its not for everyone, but if you want to work in beauty and are willing to put that extra bit in, then i can see this place being for you. It was for me.

So are you now getting paid? Even while you do your reception training? Is it minimum wage? Are there incentives or ways to earn more? How many ours a week are you working?
Thank you for sharing this :) very eye opening.

I don't think two weeks of free training in waxing is to be sniffed at so I can see that as a good thing from a personal development perspective but I would be unimpressed with working for a company that couldn't make a full decision as to whether to employ me or not based on a standard procedure of an interview and trade test. I would want to work for a company who could exercise more certainty in making decisions that would effect me.

Im glad it's going well for you though because it sounds like a good thing for the cv and a great way to get experience in perfecting your waxing and this is great because I think so many therapists don't get that much opportunity to do much waxing in a lot of employed roles.
MOBILE MANICURE : yeah they started paying me as soon as the trial period was finished. I was on my normal salary even whilst doing my waxing training and also my reception training. They started me off on £7 (everyone starts on the same amount I think) and everytime I learn a new skill they bung my hourly rate up by a £1. After my reception training I will be on £8 per hour. And after I have learnt the 5 or 6 different skills I should be on £12 an hour. Fingers crossed! I work 35 hours a week. Every body does the same hours. I think if your working the evening shift you do 25 hours but don't hold me to that.

LAURAKATE : yes I agree, working for two weeks for free is minor compared to what you actually gain in the end. Like I said before, this is definitely a place where working that extra bit pays. I've experienced that first hand and I think they require a lot from you as a therapist but they also look after you a lot. This is probably the happiest I've been in a beauty therapy job. Also laurakate I get you that an interview and trade test should be enough but after being here for 6 months I can also understand why they work a little different here. If an interview and trade test was all that was needed then the bully girl and the late comer that I started with would have made it into the salons. So it has it's pros and cons but one thing I do know is that their way works. I'm happy. 45 other girls are happy. And I'm earring really good wage with some serious prospects.

I hope my personal insight has helped you guys on here and hopefully if you do ever land a job here then you'll understand why I like it so much here. Good luck guys!
MOBILE MANICURE : yeah they started paying me as soon as the trial period was finished. I was on my normal salary even whilst doing my waxing training and also my reception training. They started me off on £7 (everyone starts on the same amount I think) and everytime I learn a new skill they bung my hourly rate up by a £1. After my reception training I will be on £8 per hour. And after I have learnt the 5 or 6 different skills I should be on £12 an hour. Fingers crossed! I work 35 hours a week. Every body does the same hours. I think if your working the evening shift you do 25 hours but don't hold me to that.

LAURAKATE : yes I agree, working for two weeks for free is minor compared to what you actually gain in the end. Like I said before, this is definitely a place where working that extra bit pays. I've experienced that first hand and I think they require a lot from you as a therapist but they also look after you a lot. This is probably the happiest I've been in a beauty therapy job. Also laurakate I get you that an interview and trade test should be enough but after being here for 6 months I can also understand why they work a little different here. If an interview and trade test was all that was needed then the bully girl and the late comer that I started with would have made it into the salons. So it has it's pros and cons but one thing I do know is that their way works. I'm happy. 45 other girls are happy. And I'm earring really good wage with some serious prospects.

I hope my personal insight has helped you guys on here and hopefully if you do ever land a job here then you'll understand why I like it so much here. Good luck guys!

Thanks for sharing this :) it's not always easy to find a job where you feel happy in this industry so I'm really pleased to hear that. Overall I think I would like to work for the bwc and it was disappointing to turn the job offer down a few years ago but it was the short shift times against the cost of travel and time spent travelling that was the deal breaker for me.

Good luck with everything there because if you can work up to £12 an hour I think that's exceptional rewarding for an employed role in this industry.

Do they do nails there? I've heard it mentioned but not seen it on the price lists. Are they aiming to recruit experienced therapists or to train people up from scratch?

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