Could you have started/or run your buisness without help??


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the original not the fake
Premium Geek
Nov 11, 2007
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in a wonderful place ;))
Looking at some peeps home pages its great to see so many "this is my salon" it a fancy high street jobby or simply a room set aside in the house,a garage conversion or a log cabin at the bottom of the garden.....just goes to show how industrious and imaginative you guy's really are.

On many such pictures there is invariably a comment made of "this is my salon which my hubbies built for me"

This has made me wonder???

OK so we all complain about our other half...OMG he is so lazy....its only me that does all the work kind of stuff....ok its generally said tongue in cheek but has really gotten me wondering?

Would your business be where it is today without the help of someone in you life,your partner,parent,boy/girlfriend,mum or dad kind of thing.

Maybe your hubby building you something,your dad's credit card when desperate,your mum to shed a tear with when times are tough,an understanding bank manager(is there such a thing:eek:) your daughter who comes out with you on that leaflet drop to promote your services.

Maybe a husband/partner that supports you simply with understanding why you book so many courses when the bank balance into the household could be better.

So have you done it all alone or have there been or are there people around you that without would have meant failure or at least much more of a struggle??
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Credit where credit's due, I wouldn't have been able to get my business off the ground without my ex-bf Dave. He took over childcare responsibilities 3 evenings a week while I went to college, he's not really into DIY but he did put the laminate floor in all 3 of the rooms I have used for work, made my leaflet and my website, and even though we are not together he still babysits when I work in the evenings and when I go away for work-related stuff like shows and courses. We call him Great Dave!
Collin, I am fortunate to be married to a wonderful family man...... great father to our 2 girls and a lovely and supportive hubby to me. Granted.... there are times when he simply annoys me........ but then I equally annoy him..... we're not perfect :rolleyes:, lol.

I wouldn't be where I am now in beauty without his support. He has financially paid for my beauty courses and paid for the set up of my home salon. He supports what I do and has encouraged me. He has done an MBA and has business acumen so has advised me financially and business wise. Because of this I have improved in my ability to make business judgements. I was useless before :lol:.

I would be lying if I did not say that he is a huge part of what I now consider a fab career, and I sincerely mean this.
Collin, I am fortunate to be married to a wonderful family man...... great father to our 2 girls and a lovely and supportive hubby to me. Granted.... there are times when he simply annoys me........ but then I equally annoy him..... we're not perfect :rolleyes:, lol.

I wouldn't be where I am now in beauty without his support. He has financially paid for my beauty courses and paid for the set up of my home salon. He supports what I do and has encouraged me. He has done an MBA and has business acumen so has advised me financially and business wise. Because of this I have improved in my ability to make business judgements. I was useless before :lol:.

I would be lying if I did not say that he is a huge part of what I now consider a fab career, and I sincerely mean this.

I ditto this....
Without the support of my husband I would not be where I am today !

Gina xx
I am sorry to say I am totally alone. I am mobile and desperately trying to get my self off the ground working full time nights on a reception in a hotel and working in my spare time (leaving no time for sleep) I am hoping it will pay off one day and I hope to go full time on my own but I am keeping my head down for now to get the clients. It's hard on me but I love it more than anything in the world so it's worth it. I am determined to get to where I want to be.
As you know i have a garage conversion for my salon....and its very self made by me :green: I done all that by myself. Apart from laying the floor of course but that was done by carpet right .... but still all me :green:

I dont need a man :lol:
Maybe a husband/partner that supports you simply with understanding why you book so many courses when the bank balance into the household could be better.

OMG this is sooo true!!!:eek:

Never even thought about, bless:smack:
Its utterly fair to say I couldn't have set my business up at all without my husbands help, nor could I keep it going as the success it is. He renovated my studio for me.....many days hard work, and is responsible for looking after our daughter in the evenings I choose to work. We also get childcare vouchers from his employer that allow me to work during the day

However, as in all true good partnerships....he also has his own now quite successful business, in anticipation of him leaving the military in the next 12 months, and he couldn't have set that up without my financial assistance. His business required a good deal more financial investment than mine, and for which I used savings that I had tucked away for situations such as that. I'm also a Director and Company Secretary for his business, and provide as much or as little input as he requires to the running of he openly admits, he is a 'grafter' not a business-man. I do have the benefit of a strong business background, many years on the city, which gave me great experience....but you couldn't pay me to go back!

We're lucky...we make a good team, in business and in marriage (and not particularly in that order!)!
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You know I would not be where I am today without the love and support of my family especially my hubbie who has and continues to encourage motivate compliment & critisice (when asked for an opinion of course) and help fund my business, he has never once complained about the unsociable hours I sometimes work, the fact that his tea isn't ready when he comes home from work at 9/10PM (as I have been working). He comes to trade shows & drives me to training courses and sits in the car park all day reading (as I dont like driving far). Even when things have been tight money wise and I have said OK I need to go find a job that pays more he will not have it and insists that I continue to do what I love. I am like so many of us very lucky. This has just made me realise how much he does for me - feel a bit guilty now ! :eek:
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God my poor husband has been an angel! He not only offers me financial support, but he is enthusiastic about new treatments etc that I drone on about, he lets me chatter away about exactly how extensions/facials/spray tans etc are done, (and pretends he is as excited as me, lol) he never moans when I book courses, he repaints and decorates my salon every 6 months, he is a fantastic dad to our kids so i never worry about leaving him in charge, god I just couldnt be without him! Bless him, all he has got in return is me, lol!:lol:
Oh and he never moans about me geeking!
Without my husband and his unwavering support and encouragement both financially, emotionally and physically (he helped build my room and still does all of my leaflet drops), I would not have a business.

He is a very special man and I am a very lucky girl:hug:

My 2 boys for not making me feel guilty for working and my mum who still covers my reception and uses her creativity to make my salon look inspiring and appealing are a constant source of support.

Also Salon Geek helped me immensely (and still does) in my business decisions and avoiding common and not so common mistakes.

The special geeks with whom I am in contact have been amazing for both myself and my business and continue to help and support me.

I won't embarrass them by mentioning them individually but they all know exactly who they are:hug:

great thread Collin xxxxx
Wow seems that there are a lot of hubbies out there that offer so much support in one way or another.....don't forget them on Fathers day now... :hug::hug:

:idea:Wouldn't it be cool if we did a twist on this thread and asked your hubbies to pass comment on what/why and when they offer so much support to you and your business...would that be allowed :eek:
A good friend helped me completely renovate my salon. We both put in 6 months hard slog. I must put some pics up of how my salon looked when i bought it then you can see how much work went into it.
My lovely husband for supporting me financially. Just little things he does , like yesterday, he took my car to the garage to put a bit of air in my tyres. He realised i didn't have much petrol and filled my tank for me as well as he knows things are tough.
He also helped with the salon when he could but he works long hours. He is an absolutely godsend. He sprayed tanned me again yesterday for the 3rd time. Never again-he's getting worse-lol
My husband is really supportive of my business. As I'm mobile he isn't needed for actual physical help, but he takes over childcare 4 nights a week without a complaint, and he is always a good person to talk business issues over with - he offers me a different perspective.

He understands the importance of training, which I fund, and he encourages me all the way. I couldn't do this job (which I love) without him.
Sorry Collin, I don't want my husband to see that not only have I praised him, but I have done it publicly!

He will never let me moan at him for going down the pub ever again!!

Gina xx
well iv gone self employed today , feeling very happy but very worried :green: . for me its been my business advisor thats been soo much support to me and gives me that push i need , its great knowing that someone from the outside can see the ideas i have and believes in me always gives me a boost whenever i see him.
Collin why do you have to ask such profound questions which will make me blubb?!:rolleyes:

I funded my training and then set up the salon with money my dad left me when he died.:cry::cry: My brother decorated it for me. My lovely hubby has had his business brains picked to the ends of the earth and my mum helps with childcare.

None of us is an island, we all have support somewhere and I hope I (we) remember to thanks those people every now and again.

Now don't make me cry again Collin!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Collin, I don't want my husband to see that not only have I praised him, but I have done it publicly!

He will never let me moan at him for going down the pub ever again!!

Gina xx
Lol, Gina. I recall the hours your men :eek: (yes, hubby and brother :lol:) put in at your salon.

I don't even allow mine to go to the pub :green:!!
Oh my goodness!!
How could I forget Lee!!
My brother - the most loyal and honest member of staff I have ever had - never lets me down.

Well done Tracy - He is still with me, working harder now than ever!!

Gina xx
My business was started with 200 fliers, and an ex husband saying "I don't know why you are bothering cos it won't work".

Thanks to his attitude and my determination to succeed plus my business degree knowledge I am blessed to have been self employed for the past eight years. It's been a bit of this and a bit of that in terms of advertising for me, most of mine comes through my website which I designed too and needs a bit of updating.

I am also seeking help from Business Link to put a plan together, so one day Vicks can have her very own little salon somewhere...

Watch this space ex husband to be :lol:

Oh and I funded my own training stock etc myself.
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