Elbow problem ?? RSI


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:sad: I have developed a problem with the ulna nerve in my left elbow which is steadily getting worse.
Years ago I had tennis elbow and was given steroid injections to get rid of the pain as a result the fatty padding around the elbow has gone and so there is no protection in that area.
Now when I put my elbow or lower arm on the nail desk when supporting a clients hand, the ulna nerve gets inflammed and I end up with numbness in my little finger, the outside edge of my hand and outside edge of my ring finger.
This has now gotten to the point that they are numb all the time and the numbness is now spreading up to my wrist. I have tried putting something under my elbow to cushion it but it has made no difference. Has anyone else had a problem with this and if so what did they do about it? I suppose it is one form of RSI
Have you been to see your GP about this problem? I would def. go see them if you havent, they will be able to diagnose and hopefully treat the problem before it gets worse.
Let us know how you get on
Yes, I have seen my GP about this months ago and she said it was a bruised Ulna Nerve and that I needed to rest it, she also said it would take months to get better and that means not working, which ultimately means no job!!!:sad:
Hi Marilyn
Sorry to hear your having trouble
You didnt say what initially caused the bruised Ulna Nerve?
Its just that if you cant think how it all started then perhaps its down to the way you work.
I maybe well off track here, apologies if I am, but if that's the case then you really should take a look at your technique of filing etc.

Ive always sworn by my e-file and I know there are lots of nail techs who dont use one and never have any RSI - but I also know of nail techs that have started using an e-file and found it to be a blessing.

Not sure if this is the kinda answer your looking for but for whats its worth.....
Hi Frenchy
It is not the arm that I use for filing etc that is affected, I am right handed and this affects my left hand and elbow. It has all started since I began doing nails, so that is obviously what has caused it. It is the hand that I hold the client's hand steady with and rest on the nail desk, as I do things like filing, enhancements etc with the other hand. It is all due to having no fat padding there due to the steroid injections I had years ago. The injections tend to get rid of the fat in the area that is injected and I had 3 injection over a 6 month period, so now the nerve etc in that area has no padding. It is the same nerve that when people bang their elbow, they refer to it as their 'funny bone'' and it sends tingling down their arm, well I have that tingling and numbness permanently now. I know some people who use PC's a lot can get this too, by leaning on the PC desk with the arm they are not using on the mouse and it can get to the point where the little finger gets paralysed completely and I do not want that!
Thanks for the reply anyway.:biggrin:

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