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There is minimum wage though.Surely this has to be considered? If you employ a therapist to do an hours body massage, they have to receive the minimum wage by law I would have thought.

Oh definitely. Those who don't pay at least this are crooks and shouldn't be allowed to be in business. It's such a shame that we do all this training and don't get any gratitude. There should be a min wage for everyone and then a min wage for skilled professionals, increasing with skill level.

Dads just informed me it's called price fixing if we have min prices for our services and it is illegal. It's like you're not allowed to have a monopoly x
Unfortunatley it takes 3 years for a business to start making a proffit and in our industry its even harder. Ive been at it 2 1/2 years and ive ran at a loss and seriously struggling but I keep pushing foward with a smile...... If you believe in your standards of work and yourself then believe in your business will work. The clients will start reccomending and I used to do reccomend 2 friends to the salon and you will recieve 50% off!!....... I know its alot to give them off but It damn sure made my clients reccomend people.
Also theres that thing that they say... a bad exp you tell 7 people a good one you only tell 2 max.... we need to make sure them 2 people each client tells comes to you somehow :lol:
I had my prices very very low and after 2 1/2 years decided I need to put them up to what I'm actually worth and start earning a wage as i have been working for nothing so far but Im that passionate about it and believe in that I can do it I know it will work.
Put a smile on your face, do some charity work from the salon...... Do friends blow dries or hair ups and get them to show it off all over facebook and believe in that you can do it & it will come about soon.
Good Luck xXxxxx
Your overheads are big...after 3 months of the window cleaner coming twice a month, i thought-cut backs! and told him I only needed them doing once a month, saving me £120 a year...

...I'm going to get shot but I use groupon. It's a recession, we live in a coupon culture now. I went into town for 2 mins today and it is packed full of people shopping...I want them to know my salon exists and groupon reaches out to lots and lots and lots and lots of local people to you...

...maybe salon geek could make 'good salon' window stickers and if you dont double dip in your wax, always patch test for tinting, sanitise your hands in front of your clients before treating know do your job properly as you were taught at college...then you could be a salon geek approved business???
Oh definitely. Those who don't pay at least this are crooks and shouldn't be allowed to be in business. It's such a shame that we do all this training and don't get any gratitude. There should be a min wage for everyone and then a min wage for skilled professionals, increasing with skill level.

Dads just informed me it's called price fixing if we have min prices for our services and it is illegal. It's like you're not allowed to have a monopoly x

What I mean is if a client paid £5 for a groupon which was an hours work for a therapist (maybe an independant or mobile) wouldnt that client be in breach of the min wage laws?
What I mean is if a client paid £5 for a groupon which was an hours work for a therapist (maybe an independant or mobile) wouldnt that client be in breach of the min wage laws?

I see what you're saying and I agree but I don't think self employed people have minimum wage? I'm not sure how it works but it's the employers responsibility so it would therefore be on the mobile therapist to ensure they received min wage would it not? Then there are those who don't take a wage for the first few years...
I see what you're saying and I agree but I don't think self employed people have minimum wage? I'm not sure how it works but it's the employers responsibility so it would therefore be on the mobile therapist to ensure they received min wage would it not? Then there are those who don't take a wage for the first few years...

Oh yes, see what you mean. Still think people should be ashamed of paying ultra low prices though.
Discounting destroys businesses. You have to treat it like an overhead, just like rent/ rates etc.
Our industry should not be expected to work for slumdog rates of pay. That teacher/doctor etc buying a groupon which forces a therapist to work for £1 an hour needs to be made to feel ashamed of their greed. THEY WOULDN'T WORK AT THOSE RATES OF PAY, SO WHY SHOULD WE?
Maybe we should point out that the average therapist doesnt have a pension to strike over, or a union to enforce minimum charges for her services.
I have never bought a groupon. I like to pay my way in this life, and do not want people to suffer so I can exploit their desperation.
I really hope ethical buying comes into fashion.
Makes me laugh that people will buy fairtrade coffee, then use a groupon whch ensures that an entire industry suffers in the UK.

Couldn't have said it better myself!
I personally have never bought a groupon deal because I believe you get what you pay for and if I bought a hair cut or massage i'd see it as a waste of money if it was rubbish. I personally go for a massage once a month and pay full price cause the girl I go to (like myself) is skilled enough and good enough at what she does to be worth the money
I have often thought why not do a groupon offer without groupon. So basicallly offer the same groupon price but dont do it through groupon. Then at least you get all the money.

I know you would not get the groupon exposure but you could do some publicising yourself.

In fact the beauty industry should start there own not for profit 'groupon' - that would be good!!

Not sure what to say really. Our last 3 days of trading (Sat, Mon and Tues) brought in £4,600 in hair services and products alone.

£23.50 gross takings for an entire week has more than just Groupon to blame, otherwise every salon would be shutting it's doors.

Sometimes, I see salons advertising on Groupon or reducing their prices, obviously thinking it will solve all of their problems financially.

But what if the problem was more than just price? What if it was their service, or their techniques?

Not many will admit to it. They like to think they are really good at cutting hair or doing nails. But obviously, some geeks are better at it than other geeks. That's the way of the world.

Why not get an honest critique of how you can improve your business before doing any more marketing? Attracting 500+ new clients to experience the exact same level of service that drove the previous 50 clients away isn't the best business idea. I'd spend time fixing what's gone wrong before advertising for any new business.

I find that clients are the best at giving critique. Ask a fellow business person (maybe the florist, the cafe owner or the woman from the travel agents) if they'd like to get a free service in return for filling out a questionnaire giving you feedback on how your business could be improved.

Implement the suggestions and then ask your regular clients if they like them / have they added extra value to your business?

Then advertise.

Best of luck
Not sure what to say really. Our last 3 days of trading (Sat, Mon and Tues) brought in £4,600 in hair services and products alone.

£23.50 gross takings for an entire week has more than just Groupon to blame, otherwise every salon would be shutting it's doors.

Sometimes, I see salons advertising on Groupon or reducing their prices, obviously thinking it will solve all of their problems financially.

But what if the problem was more than just price? What if it was their service, or their techniques?

Not many will admit to it. They like to think they are really good at cutting hair or doing nails. But obviously, some geeks are better at it than other geeks. That's the way of the world.

Why not get an honest critique of how you can improve your business before doing any more marketing? Attracting 500+ new clients to experience the exact same level of service that drove the previous 50 clients away isn't the best business idea. I'd spend time fixing what's gone wrong before advertising for any new business.

I find that clients are the best at giving critique. Ask a fellow business person (maybe the florist, the cafe owner or the woman from the travel agents) if they'd like to get a free service in return for filling out a questionnaire giving you feedback on how your business could be improved.

Implement the suggestions and then ask your regular clients if they like them / have they added extra value to your business?

Then advertise.

Best of luck

I do agree with this I don't think groupon is the whole problem, I love a bargain but will never compromise on my hair, whatever my hairdresser charges I pay as she is brilliant.

Unfortunately in some areas the hair and beauty industry has been over saturated which makes it difficult so you have to work damn hard to stand out.

As some posters have said maybe do some free work in hope of gaining some good loyal custom. If you have passion for your work you can make it happen just be strong and have faith
I think there is a big difference between discount schemes like Groupon and discounts given by salons to either drum up new business or to reward loyal clients.

We offer (I use the royal we here as I am nothing really to do with the business) an initial discount for all new clients for their first treatment, I know some don't like this, but it has been a tried and trusted way of getting people in for treatments, the secret then is keeping then as regulars of which we get an excellent success rate.

I also think the odd perk for regulars is also a really good idea, it may not be necessary but sometimes you have to give a little back.

Since my wife has gone full time just recently one of the things we have done is invest some serious money into the business in the way of stock, refurbishment and training and this will be a continuing process but will be carefully costed.

Fortunately, at this time, growth in the business is sound and increasing at a steady pace. If we had sat there and done nothing it wouldn't have happened and discounts have been part of that.

I am sure we would never consider Groupon or the like, we would also never get involved in price wars. The plan is to be the best and to price accordingly and get the clients that the service provides. It takes time, hard work, a good business head and a therapist who has that certain something.

I have probably gone off on a bit of a tangent here, but I have been bitten by the bug as much as any of you. Times are hard generally and the outlook is bleak. If you can keep going and increasing business in these most difficult of times then the future will have its rewards.

Rant over!! :wink2:
I think there is a big difference between discount schemes like Groupon and discounts given by salons to either drum up new business or to reward loyal clients.

We offer (I use the royal we here as I am nothing really to do with the business) an initial discount for all new clients for their first treatment, I know some don't like this, but it has been a tried and trusted way of getting people in for treatments, the secret then is keeping then as regulars of which we get an excellent success rate.

I also think the odd perk for regulars is also a really good idea, it may not be necessary but sometimes you have to give a little back.

Since my wife has gone full time just recently one of the things we have done is invest some serious money into the business in the way of stock, refurbishment and training and this will be a continuing process but will be carefully costed.

Fortunately, at this time, growth in the business is sound and increasing at a steady pace. If we had sat there and done nothing it wouldn't have happened and discounts have been part of that.

I am sure we would never consider Groupon or the like, we would also never get involved in price wars. The plan is to be the best and to price accordingly and get the clients that the service provides. It takes time, hard work, a good business head and a therapist who has that certain something.

I have probably gone off on a bit of a tangent here, but I have been bitten by the bug as much as any of you. Times are hard generally and the outlook is bleak. If you can keep going and increasing business in these most difficult of times then the future will have its rewards.

Rant over!! :wink2:

Great rant :wink2: Please rant in my direction anytime! LOL

We offer a similar intro scheme for new clients, whereby they purchase almost every single service we offer in a package saving them over £100. They experience these services in one appointment so that they can see which ones they prefer to have when they become a regular client.

Our regular clients are offered exclusive discounts in the form of loyalty points, package deals, free products and also our Mystery Client program which they can sign up to in return for vouchers to be used in salon (we get 3-4 sign ups online every week for that).

Also, never underestimate the power of a free or discounted service that costs you very little to provide, yet has a high price tag to add value for clients. I'd rather give away a free service that costs £2 in product yet is priced at £15 as an add-on to a service than discount the service itself by considerably more than £2 via an online Coupon site.

"Free Mini Facial worth £20 with every Foot-Spa" is a lot more profitable for the business and appealing to the client than "50% Off Foot Spa's today". The 2 offers attract 2 different types of spender. The former likes to indulge herself, the latter prefers to aim for the bottom line.

Nice posts Classixuk. Good info. Well written. Good advice. If I had my printer attached I would have popped a copy in my diary!
Nice posts Classixuk. Good info. Well written. Good advice. If I had my printer attached I would have popped a copy in my diary!
Thanks Little Voyce. That was a really nice thing to say.


Discounting destroys businesses. You have to treat it like an overhead, just like rent/ rates etc.
Our industry should not be expected to work for slumdog rates of pay. That teacher/doctor etc buying a groupon which forces a therapist to work for £1 an hour needs to be made to feel ashamed of their greed. THEY WOULDN'T WORK AT THOSE RATES OF PAY, SO WHY SHOULD WE?
Maybe we should point out that the average therapist doesnt have a pension to strike over, or a union to enforce minimum charges for her services.
I have never bought a groupon. I like to pay my way in this life, and do not want people to suffer so I can exploit their desperation.
I really hope ethical buying comes into fashion.
Makes me laugh that people will buy fairtrade coffee, then use a groupon whch ensures that an entire industry suffers in the UK.

Brilliant post!
Persianista for Prime Minister. Rah rah :lol:
Hi everyone thanks

well in answer to my overheads being high, its a big salon and i have factored either a) paying me a small salary or b) repaying my refurbishing loan

however since i wrote that post i have made more than the required £225 every day, yes can you believe that, every damn day!

I have made £180 today before 12pm and have a gap now but more in later.

So my overheads arent really that big and definitely not unrealistic for a salon of my size.

I am advertising my beauty room to rent for £300 / month and with regards to the window cleaner, i have never used him, my lovely apprentice does that for me.

Cutbacks? My god i have cut back on everything but my clients will always get a big smile, smooth coffee and a shortbread.

Here comes january though, watch this space for another "help" thread cos i know i will need it.

8 months in i know i am wanting alot so i will sit back, carry on shuffling the debt from one credit card to another and just hang on there, this time next year salon geeks, i am, bloody am going to be a millionaire (well, debt free at least)

how are things for you all at the moment with christmas coming?

Once again thanks, everyone on here is so lovely (most of the time haha) xx
Ps i am proud to say that the new clients coming in this and last week have been saying they are here because they are hearing such good things about us and friends of friends have recommended us and they like what they see on our facebook page (lots of lovely comments being posted on there)

i am now in the process of updating the webpage, someone said we needed internal photos to let people know we are not just the front space they see through the window and that we are a larger space so my friend the photographer came in on wednesday and i cant wait to see what he has done.

Onwards and upwards :)
Hi how big is your salon ie how many seats and staff? Brilliant news you take so much but doesnt it all go to the vat man? I want to make some money but not enough for them to take it all! Keep up the hard work.

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