Marbelling - Calling Layla & Glors


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Brush Slayer Geek
Premium Geek
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Brighton, East Sussex
Hello Oh Wise Ones.......

Here is my second attempt at marbelling - I think it's pants :lol: and really don't 'get' it - which is a shame because it really interests me!!!

I think the thumb and forefinger are OK (ish) but the rest are a bit disappointing (ignore the pinkie as I smudged it when cleaning the mess up)

I also didn't realise I would need to paint the nails a solid basecoat first, I kind of assumed the marbelling would give enough coverage, but it appears not :rolleyes:

Anyway - I will keep trying and see what I get

oooh looks like raspberry ripple ice cream trinity
Oh! Saw those earlier in the gallery and thought they looked quite effective!

Looks like you've inveted a new form of marbelling. Remember what you did and it can be your signature design. Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leave the smudge out however on clients! Won't go down so well!! :lol:
Hi Trin
Happy Birthday for yesterday!
I love the thumb and forefinger the best too. :)
I find that to keep the colours bolder, less is more when it comes to swirling them, in fact I dont always swirl. I sometimes put the stick in the INSIDE of the outer colour and draw it in, repeat this a couple of times and thats how you get the petal/bold effect.
Here are two I did using the same colours... first one I hardly swirled at all and is bolder patterns, second I swirled more and is a softer/busier pattern.
Btw, Creative Hotpops are great colours for this technique :wink2:


  • Picture 1372.jpg
    Picture 1372.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 86
Glorsclaws said:
first one I hardly swirled at all and is bolder patterns, second I swirled more and is a softer/busier pattern

I think this might be where I'm going wrong too - for the thumb and forefinger I did hardly any 'swirling' and thought I needed to do more........thats why they're softer/busier on the rest :green:

Cool - I understand a bit better now - Thanks Glors - you're a babe!! :Love:

Me too - thanks Glors - by the way I love the nails - superb. Off to have another practice now. Thanks for the tips :)
Trinity Nails said:
Hello Oh Wise Ones.......

I think the thumb and forefinger are OK (ish) but the rest are a bit disappointing (ignore the pinkie as I smudged it when cleaning the mess up)


Hi Trin,
The forefinger is my favourite, but the thumb is quite nice as well.
And Glors, those 2 you've done are great, and great choice of colours as well.

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